Any practical advice is welcome.

Edit: After some research, the path seems to be basically this:

  1. Get state residents to contact their delegates asking them to draft and/or support a constitutional amendment that gives citizens power to submit ballot initiatives (that’s what we do not currently have in our state constitution).
  2. The legislature has to pass it by 2/3 in order for it to appear on the ballot (governor does not need to sign it for it to appear on the ballot)
  3. A simple majority of voters (> 50%) would have to vote “yes” on the proposed amendment on election day.

Sounds easy enough, but the last 4 ballot initiatives (all legislatively sponsored) were basically power grabs (thankfully none of them passed). Still, going to see if I can maybe get the ball rolling and channel my jealousy of other states into something productive.

    5 months ago

    If you can’t enact local change. Try looking into starting a movement to get a national movement maybe? Make the Feds force every state to have a means for citizen ballot initiatives. It’s the ultimate “let the states decide” so with some of that reverse psychology can truck Repugnicans into supporting it.