The campaign ads write themselves.
I didn’t realize he signed everything with a sharpie, I thought it was just a one time mistake.
I’m impressed he manages to suprise me on a daily basis like this.
full of shi… surprises, that one.
Is this real?
Not sure if this is a real image of the actual cheque, but Trump donated twice. Ivanka also donated. You can use the search function at to see for yourself if you like.
To be fair the DA’s office was in the process of looking at the trump university fallout, I think he expected a favour to not prosecute (as they did) with this cheque
trump switched parties several times
He is the true RINO.
He’s more of a horse… in the hospital!
Given the line under the signature disappears I’d say it’s photoshopped
I’m 100% sure it was edited to remove account number and routing number.
Donald should probably drop out of the race.
At his age he doesn’t know what he’s doing anymore. Too old.
his signature looks like a scribble from a lie-detector.
It’s the hats at a Klan rally
Seriously what is all that? Trump is only a 5 letter word.
Donald Trummynummynummy. Is that a foreign last name? Is this guy even born American?
Perhaps he oops’d and signed it ‘Drumpf’
We were thinking that he is just a habitual liar, meanwhile he does that, because he needs the lie detector printer to print all check payments for his business every month.
…and the cheque didn’t bounce?
He only pays people who have more power than he does
Man, paying everyone must get expensive
Dude just adds as many jiggles to his last name as he sees fit.
He can’t remember how many letters his name has so he just guesses.
I would like to see him actually write something. It would probably look hilarious.
5000$ well spent just to be able to say “I Own ThEm AlL!”
Will he need another, hush money, check now?