Well, we haven’t really tried sortition with the whole population as a pool yet
Well, we haven’t really tried sortition with the whole population as a pool yet
To try and “convert” a gay guy
Thanks for the explanation, sounds like something I should dredge up and check out for myself!
Who is that? I’ve seen here around in memes
I would say France is a pretty prosperous country who just got out of the Basque conflict but are still fighting terrorist groups
Transformers, both the electrical and cybertronian variant
Except a nice new shirt for the interview, especially if you have been off work for a while since extra kilos are very stealthy until you try to button an old shirt
So autistic bisexual leftist swedes? Or what group are you grouping me with?
What? I just agreed with you, why then say I would disagree?
Or go full cartoon with silly leg paddles in the air before the drop and a big ol Plop sound
Any of those would be better, yes
I just get localhost refused to connect a few screens in
Awesome, thanks for all the info! :D
That it isn’t a woman, it’s just strokes of coloured oil.
It’s very similar to this
That sounds nice :) I was thinking of one as my first bike, but don’t want to buy anything new made Russian at the moment
Got a link to an eu reseller or something?
Is it an old one or one of the newer? Do they still have power to the side car wheel?
For me there are users, admins and owners, and all levels should have escalating rights to mess with the system. I don’t want a user to have access to security settingsn nor being able to mess with registry or similar stuff. I would prefer a user not being able to do more than read any important part of the HDD too
Reclaim the fuckin runes! They look cool, are easy to carve in different materials and are a part of my historical heritage