Of course! Why, then, implying that I’m claiming to be “without sin” for saying I’m not “a giant piece of shit,” if there’s lots of degrees in between?
I started playing Drakar & Demoner (now known as “Dragonbane”) in the 80’s, but after a long abscence from the world of TTRPGs I started playing D&D 5E in 2020. Now I’m exploring Pathfinder 2E, as well as designing my own GURPS-inspired game. My home in the Fediverse is https://ttrpg-hangout.social.
Of course! Why, then, implying that I’m claiming to be “without sin” for saying I’m not “a giant piece of shit,” if there’s lots of degrees in between?
So the two options are being “without sin” and “being a giant piece of shit”? There is no in between?
it’s time to admit that deep down the human experience is being a giant piece of shit
Well, I’m tempted to say “speak for yourself there, buddy”. I’d agree if you said that a lot of people are like that, but you seem to imply that goes for basically everyone?
Never forbid Player vs Player, tho.
I would consider banning this as a GM, because it makes me uncomfortable. I’ve had bad experiences in the past, and I want to enjoy the game too.
Lol, of course not.
… my cutting hammers are in the bathroom.
Yes. I’ve experimented with this too. This is the perfect use case for LLMs - there are no wrong answers, the LLM should just make something up, which is what it does.
Agreed. As far as I know, there is no actual artificial intelligence yet, only simulated intelligence.
Really? Why is it illegal to film there?
Well, it could be argued that Trump is a cold-blooded fossil who looks kind of like that, so I think this has some merit.
he never had sex with a couch to completion
Uhmmm… what? Why would he say that? Was there actually some truth to the claim that he had sex with a couch, or what?
I’m out of the loop on that one. Can you explain it to those of us who missed it, please?
No, he doesn’t. He thinks he can do anything. The people around him, who do understand that he can’t, has given him other reasons not to participate that he can accept. Something like “it’s not fair,” “it’s a setup,” “people will think you’re brave for saying no,” etc.
No, it’s not. Anytime I meet someone who says “I’ve done nothing wrong, so I have nothing to hide,” I respond with “Okay, drop your pants then.”
Everybody wants and deserves privacy. There is nothing wrong with having sex, but most of us hide when we do it.
Not having watched the video since I’m at work - what did they do to battle oracles?
I have both editions (1st and 2nd) of the Mythic GME, but I’ve only tried the first one. The second one (the one you linked) does look very promising though, and I know a lot of people have had very good results with the first one.
Oh? I have the book, but I haven’t tried it. Any examples of how it’s unbalanced?
spreading a conspiracy
I know this is off-topic, but can we please go back to saying “conspiracy theory”? Conspiracy and conspiracy theories are not the same. There are actual conspiracies (a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful) , and there are theories of conspiracies. They should not be confused.
My one thing I feel like I can brag about in tech circles is that I switched to Linux in 1995 (Linux kernel version 1.2.1), and I haven’t looked back since. This was even before Windows 95 was released.
Not misleading, no one misunderstands
Speak for yourself, I misunderstood. I thought that income above a certain point was taxed at 28%.
Alright, I backed it. I must admit to being a bit sceptical though - seems like a small team to develop such a game.