• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • One thing here bisby left off. If you check the villager and they are selling Mending books, don’t break the lectern. Find a new villager. :) Also, I have had some luck finding silk touch pickaxes in things like sunken ship chests, or buried treasure chests. You can also try fishing one up, but you better like fishing. It’s my happy place, so I have fished up a lot of them over the years over thousands of hours just fishing. It relaxes me for some reason.

  • I totally get where you are coming from and hope I didn’t come across as a dick. Going back to the example of my daughter, I would be equally terrified of her getting any size displacement bike if she can’t get her temper in check, and I hope that switch from passenger to driver on a motorcycle would give her the focus to mentally chill out. To your point, kids get these large displacement bikes and then decide that they are not only invincible, but the baddest thing on the planet and end up learning the hard way that they are neither of those two, and large displacement bikes are like magnets to that personality. I completely agree with you too, if you can get the 600cc bike and be responsible, then eventually when you feel like it’s not a danger, move up to something larger. All good advice and replies here.

  • So the deciding factor in my opinion becomes, how mature are you on a bike? Do you give in easily to the show off mentality, or are you hot tempered? If you can keep things on an even keel and not get out of control then either one would be fine. The problem I have with comments from the person above is that it makes it sound like you are safer on the 600cc bike, and believe me, you can kill yourself just as easily on either bike. My daughter wants to buy a bike, and she has been on the back of my bike(s) for thousand upon thousands of miles, so she knows how it feels and what to expect, but I had a very frank discussion with her that she cannot get on a bike and ride it like she currently drives. She gets a little road rage at times, and that really isn’t going to work on a motorcycle, assuming you want to be an old rider. I guess my whole point of this ted talk is that if and only if you feel like you are responsible enough (good word that Fecundpossum used) then get the one that you like and speaks to you. Just remember that you don’t have to run full throttle, there is a middle ground.

  • Yup. I put in a ticket with Rockstar and here is their official reply. TLDR: Fuck off.

    M____. (Rockstar Support)

    Sep 17, 2024, 12:51 EDT


    Thank you for contacting Rockstar Support.

    We certainly understand that you are unable to login to GTA online through Steam Deck after the update.

    We would like to inform you that the primary goal of incorporating BattlEye into GTA Online is to enhance the overall gaming experience by actively scanning for cheats and exploits, and preventing players with cheats and mods from entering online. The Steam Deck players will not be able to join GTA Online but should be able to launch single-player without any issues. we appreciate your understanding in this matter.

    If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to let us know. We are here to assist you.

    Best regards,

    M______. Rockstar Support

  • Yeah, that is bedrock edition, and it’s crazy how poorly it runs on the Switch natively. It has just gotten progressively worse as we go along. Each update comes with a new batch of shit that doesn’t work. For instance, you used to be able to drop out of the game and go to your screenshots on the Switch, then pop back into the game. If you do that now, it immediately disconnects you from the realm or any network connected instance when you pop out of the game. I have disconnected from a lot of games by accidentally hitting the wrong button when I meant to just take a screenshot. It didn’t do that in the past, but they fucked it up one update and have just never bothered to fix it. And they obviously aren’t doing any kind of thorough testing as that would have come up. They just ignore their Jira ticketing system.

    The version I prefer isn’t available anymore, and the only way you can play it is if you had it originally as it has been removed from the store. If your account doesn’t have the Switch edition, you are out of luck because they insisted that bedrock had to be the only one available, so Switch Edition had development halted and then eventually wiped from the store. Sucks, because that version was so much better as far as performance and gameplay goes.

  • Secondly, I’d attempt to write a bash script to walk a directory tree, cat out files, pipe it through grep and get every instance where VirtualBox is mentioned in a file. Trying the name of proccess, or of the executable too.

    Move to the top of the tree you want to search and do something like this:

    find . -type f -exec grep -iH “virtualboxexecutable” {} ;

    That will give you what you want without the need for a script. -type f makes the find command only search files, and -exec has it run the grep command on any files it returns with -iH giving you case insensitive results showing you the file it’s found in. Substitute ‘virtualboxexecutable’ with whatever the process name is that is being run. If you want to ignore binary files, the add in "| grep -iv “binary file matches” to the command. That will strip out any results where it has searched a binary file.