How would he know? Trump doesn’t talk to him.
How would he know? Trump doesn’t talk to him.
Oh no! We have too many upvotes!
Debian is like the Unitarian Universalists of distros. “You’re here? You’re here! That’s great!”
$50 million in 24 hours?! But Elon can do that in a month!
Oh, huh, I guess fund raising at 1/30th the rate isn’t great for Trump’s campaign.
Fake midwesterners!
So, wait, why is the Ohio National guard so inept that it took them 4 years to mobilize?
When neither facts nor your customers care about your feelings, but do care about your donations.
I’ve had some luck joining the game’s discord server and checking the LFG posts. Depends on the game, of course, works best for small but not unknown indie games.
Yeah, that’s probably a better phrasing.
People weren’t using them ambiguously, drive manufactures picked a non-standard unit to lie with on their boxes, and then tricked courts into going along with their shit because it was the old case of money vs truth.
It kills about 1 in every 1,500 people, so it’s reasonable to assume it’s endemic and infected around 3,000 people.
I don’t know whether those 3,000 people are the symptomatic 20% or the entire population.
He also appears to have sold nuclear secrets to the Russians, which also sounds sort of important or something.
Fuck Ron Johnson.
Yes, I know it’s the wrong Johnson but, still, it needs to be said.
B®o. a®t.
When asked for comment, the Obamas were puzzled and replied,
It’s the usb-c of standards!
top/bottom, clearly.
Joke’s on you capitalism, my employment EULA prohibits me from making outside income!
Speaking of Rare games, I was on track to 100% DK64 until my save corrupted on the final fairy. Never tried again, damn those bananas.
“Is New Zealand just Texas?!”