Give me your worst, Lemmy! Absolutely nothing is off limits. Let’s get fucking weird!

I post this here because /c/iama doesn’t seem to be a thing…

Don’t hold back you jerks!

EDIT: It’s just about 05:00 for me. Night night! I’ll answer any other questions. In a few hours!

  • @Rheios
    9 months ago

    I guess my question’s always been that since gender is (to my incomplete understanding) a social construct and can change, and transgender people seek to change to a gender that feels more appropriate, how did you (a) know what felt right, (b) that what felt right wasn’t completely appropriate for your gender and the active definition of gender needed to change, and © where does chemical and surgical transition factor in for a gender based thing when attempting to find for comfortable self? Because that seems like a sex (in the clinical terminology) thing as much as a gender one (which of course there’s probably a connection, I guess I’m just not clear where the line really breaks.)

    To be clear, I think my questions are entirely too “rationalizing a deep emotional and person thing” so I don’t really expect an answer, I’ve just never been invited to address the question to anyone before.

      9 months ago

      Not OP, but gender identity is a real biological thing that is linked to brain chemistry. Gender expression is the social construct. Sex is your body phenotype, which correlates to your genotype.

      • @Rheios
        59 months ago

        Thank you, I think that helps parse out where I was unclear. There’s specifics in the language at play. It makes me wonder how often bad actors prevention of even small distinctions being discussed has made it muddier and harder for everyone else.

        • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
          19 months ago

          I agree, but in this context it isn’t helpful, the same way particle physics and quantum mechanics isn’t helpful in a discussion about economics.

          • 7heo
            9 months ago

            Actually it is very much central.

            Gender is a LARP construct forced onto us by social norms derived from religion. It does exist in our brains, and is every bit as real as the next thing; but unlike physically verifiable facts (like our sex, that we need to modify with a knife), it only exists because we think of it (like money, that we can gain simply by persuading others). We should really be at the very least conscious that our fight for tolerance wrt individual gender expression has nothing to do with our sexual parts, everything to do with the artificial restrictions, limitations, gatekeeping, and denial that society as a whole, and many of its members, are literally forcing onto us.

            The fight isn’t about boobs, asses, and genitalia. The fight is about using unrelated, and unrelatable, physical attributes (sex, skin color, or anything else), to coerce, dominate, emprison, and kill.

            If we miss that central point, and let the ill intended offenders frame the narrative, we have already lost.