I suppose Baldur’s Gate 3 could be an example for a lot of people. Any recent or just “recent” release you are waiting for to get at the moment?

  • GentlemanLoser
    1 year ago

    Actually I’m half decent at one on one and the small melees. But once it’s a ‘real’ fight I get so sweaty palmed lol

    Maybe I should try a console controller instead of mouse & kb?

    • lightnsfw@reddthat.com
      1 year ago

      I never tried it with a controller it seems like that would make it harder to manage your army. As for the bigger fights I usually try to get my army positioned first with my archers on a hill or across a river or something from them and then put my infantry in front of the archers to block them. Then I lead my Calvary to go provoke the enemy to come at them. Usually that works pretty well or at least lets me put a big dent in their calvary which gives you a decent advantage when they don’t have one because you can get behind them and wreck their archers.

      This strategy works most of the time with minimal casualties