• LinkOpensChest.wav
    239 months ago

    While I genuinely feel bad for economically disadvantaged workers with long commutes in used vehicles, I can’t help but notice most of the complaints about fuel prices come from people who: A. Shout down anyone trying to improve public transportation infrastructure by saying it can’t work in rural areas (it can, and has), and B. Own outrageously large personal vehicles that guzzle gas and houses with 2+ stall garages.

    I’ll listen to complaining from anyone who doesn’t fall into one or both of these two groups.

    • @jasondj
      69 months ago

      Personally I think gas is still too cheap.

      Gas should be prohibitively expensive. It’s price should reflect its impact.

      Unfortunately this would crumble the entire US and possibly western economy. It works in most of the rest of the world because the commutes are smaller and the alternative transit is plentiful.

      • LinkOpensChest.wav
        39 months ago

        Yeah, we need to build the infrastructure.

        Or let me correct that: Rebuild the infrastructure.

        Even here in lowly South Dakota where I live, there was once a network of buses and trains that traveled between even small towns. That was all abandoned to appease the automotive gods.

        • @TheSaus@lemmy.fmhy.net
          19 months ago

          Manitoba Canada used to have a decent train network from what i can tell, and now it just has nothing outside of Winnipeg

    • @Thorny_Thicket@sopuli.xyz
      49 months ago

      The only times I see people like me, who prefer owning a car “shouting down” people adcovating for better public transport, is when people suggest I should get rid of my car and ride a bus instead. A good public transportation system is a net-good for everyone, and in no way inconveniences me especially if I never even use it. It’s not busses and trains I have an issue with - it’s the naive city dwellers who thinks that because they get around just fine without a car then anyone would.

      • LinkOpensChest.wav
        69 months ago

        Thanks for providing an example of the type of person I’m talking about. You sound just like their self-centered asses! Good satire.

        • @Thorny_Thicket@sopuli.xyz
          9 months ago

          Why even bother responding to me if, instead of addressing what exactly you take issue with in my statement, you just immediately resort to insults?

        • Chris Remington
          59 months ago

          Your comment is NOT nice. Please, remember this in the future and enjoy your week long vacation.