My wife and I love scented candles but the cheap ones burn like shit and tunnel really bad, where the expensive ones are…expensive. we use scented waxes sometimes but we like having the flame.

Is there some little-known marketplace or website that I can get good candles at, affordable?

    • @BearigatorOP
      17 months ago

      I was actually looking in to that last night. I’ll probably try it once but I do wonder if the time it would take would be worth the money saved.

        27 months ago

        It depends on a lot of factors. How serious you are into candles, how much money you make/have/want to save, and if there are any scents you want that are hard to find as candles but available as oils

        • ANGRY_MAPLE
          37 months ago

          There’s also verifying that you have the right oils. There are some scented oils that aren’t meant to be burnt