I made my home here permanently now. It seems like such a friendlier place but how are you all doing?

  • Khrux
    7 months ago

    My main use of Reddit was distilled to Roleplaying games like D&D and I’d only browse all to mindlessly doomscroll. Reddit was the best place (in my opinion) for this communication because it has both the userbase and the structure for massive topical conversation.

    I’m not returning to reddit but the lack of content in those circles here has actually dampened my passion for that entire world. I literally listen to 6-10 hours of podcasts per week on tabletop role-playing games, plus I read countless blogs and I’m practically up to date with all related content that comes from Lemmy or Masterdon, but it’s not the same, there is no deep discussion like what I used to have.

    I’m not totally doing my part, for every 50 things I read here, I comment once maybe, but still.