For me it is always 3rd. Its almost like I’m an actor in my own dream. Few times I realize it, but then just wake up.

  • @catonwheels
    34 months ago

    I see the back of my head and back just like 3 person video game and the camera can rotate so I see my self from the side.

    • Call me Lenny/Leni
      24 months ago

      When you’re looking at the back of yourself, is it 2D or 3D? Stylized or realistic? Up to date? Different clothing-wise each time?

      • @catonwheels
        24 months ago

        It is like a real camera filming so 3d realistic. It never deviates in quality except that the camera can be a super 8ish.

        From 1990 to today. Yes a big variation in cloths races, genders and group size but never bigger then 4.

        • Call me Lenny/Leni
          24 months ago

          I find it intriguing how, in a world where we consider our dream adventures a figment of ourselves, dreams would have that level of detail foresight. Like why does the cookie crumble how it does?