And since you won’t be able to modify web pages, it will also mean the end of customization, either for looks (ie. DarkReader, Stylus), conveniance (ie. Tampermonkey) or accessibility.

The community feedback is… interesting to say the least.

      2011 months ago

      It’s truly this simple and very liberating to be reminded of this.

      How about we go a step further and save them the labor; just announce to me your intent on implementing DRM on websites, out of all things, and I’d just block my devices from visiting that entire site because why waste my time.

      Many of these tech or media companies need us more than we need them.

      11 months ago

      There’s a horde of people that doesn’t give a shit though. If they introduce this without overdoing the ads, it might get traction. And then they ramp up the ads and tracking in 10 yrs. Pretty scary, I hope its DOA.

      Then again, if you wrap the whole page in webassembly, there’s not a lot you can do with current ad blocking technologies. May need to have machine learning based blocking or something

    • funkless
      111 months ago

      if it’s baked into the browser - then that’s all sites

      pretty funny though that maybe all those people in the 80s / early 90s were right - the internet is just a passing fad, but only because they ruined it with ads.