• Neato
    -93 months ago

    ITT: men who refuse to believe women. Like every time.

    • @ArcoIris@lemmy.zip
      123 months ago

      We live in a world which contains certain individuals who make millions of dollars by pretending to be perpetually victimized. A little skepticism is natural. I don’t expect you to fix that, I simply expect you to acknowledge that the problem of shitty men like the one in the comic is a problem of a similar scale and will not be solved overnight. And also that it will not be solved by demonizing men.

      • Neato
        -43 months ago

        No. Clearly it will be solved by men doubting women’s problems. Men are so fragile.

        • @ArcoIris@lemmy.zip
          33 months ago

          Lashing out doesn’t exactly make you look like a stable, confident individual yourself, nor will it particularly inspire people to take your problems seriously. Just as the douchebag in the comic will not earn the respect or affection of women by calling them bitches, so too will you not convince men to treat you as an equal by immediately calling them fragile. I implore you to reflect on that. It’s better to make friends than enemies.

            • @ArcoIris@lemmy.zip
              3 months ago

              “Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong.” - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

                • @ArcoIris@lemmy.zip
                  13 months ago

                  Neither does trying to apply arbitrary labels to people in an attempt to discredit them. Ad hominem is considered a logical fallacy for a reason. If you think I’m wrong about something, show me why you believe that, and I will concede if your arguments are valid. So far, you’ve instead opted to call me a sealion for suggesting that a socially-harmful blanket generalization like “men are bad and dangerous and don’t respect women” requires more proof than someone’s personal anecdotes and feelings. You’d want proof if someone on the internet was calling black people criminals or women gold-diggers or trans people child molesters, and as I’ve already had to state previously, discrimination and prejudice do not become okay based on how you personally feel about the group you’re discriminating against. If they did, then the douchebag in the comic would be morally justified.

          • Neato
            -43 months ago

            It’s better to make friends than enemies.

            Lol. No one needs misogynistic friends. Your polite demeanor belies your refusal to actually listen when women talk to you. It’s pathetically transparent. People like you are why women ghost and refuse to be straight. Just like the comic suggests.

            • @ArcoIris@lemmy.zip
              3 months ago

              I… legitimately have no idea why you think I’m a misogynist. I say the things I say because I care about and respect women. The last thing I want is for there to be more douchebags out there harassing women because Zoe Quinn or some other sleazy online opportunist with a victim complex stands to make money by diluting the seriousness of women’s problems. Those people are just as bad for you as they are for me. So if I worded that in a way that could be interpreted as misogynistic, then I sincerely apologize, because clearly there was some sort of miscommunication along the line somewhere.