• Neato
    1342 months ago

    Bavaria’s government said in a statement that it wants to "limit the public consumption of cannabis despite the federal government’s dangerous legalization law.

    “A family festival like the [Oktoberfest] and cannabis consumption don’t go together,” he said.

    Fucking lol. At a festival where people routinely get sick drunk and fall out everywhere is concerned about being family friendly? Sounds more like they’re jealous people can get inebriated without drinking alcohol.

    • RBG
      482 months ago

      Well it is Bavaria. I am guessing their view of what constitutes a family is the dad coming home drunk beating up his wife in front of the kids.

      • IninewCrow
        272 months ago

        I’ve been in recovery for over 20 years now and one thing I’ve come to realize it’s that … I’d rather deal with an addict high on weed than an alcoholic that is blind drunk.

        The dope head will want to be your friend and laugh uncontrollably.

        The alcoholic will say you look funny and want to start a fist fight … then piss their pants … and cry … and then want to fight again. And they’ll do this regardless if you are 20, 60 or six years old.