• @Shyfer
    313 days ago

    Well keep in mind that a lot of Lemmy users (Lemmings? Lemmites? Lemmitors?) are from Reddit now. They are slightly more anticapitalist and anti-corporation, but otherwise, a lot of us are basically Redditors who took over this similar social media site.

    • @eldavi@lemmy.world
      312 days ago

      i agree and like @archomrade i too have been depressed at the large number of center-right users on a platform built by tankies for all leftists.

      as a fellow reddit refugee i’ve been wondering if the reddit refugees were the reason for it and, now that someone else agrees, i know i’m part of the problem.

      • @Shyfer
        12 days ago

        I still think this place better than Reddit, though. I think a lot of the good users left, even if a majority weren’t politically aligned with original Lemmy. I browse through Reddit front page links when I’m bored at work, but I rarely find good stuff in the comments like I used to. It’s just mean and toxic, or vapid and pointless.