“trump in court today wearing pajamas, a sleep cap, a c-pap mask while reclined in a bed under covers, drooling on his pillow and snoring violently, wearing a Fitbit that confirmed through biosensors that he was sleeping and with a nightstand next to him that held a small note that read, 'shush, I’m 100% sleeping”… wasALLEGEDLYsleeping today."
“trump in court today wearing pajamas, a sleep cap, a c-pap mask while reclined in a bed under covers, drooling on his pillow and snoring violently, wearing a Fitbit that confirmed through biosensors that he was sleeping and with a nightstand next to him that held a small note that read, 'shush, I’m 100% sleeping”… was ALLEGEDLY sleeping today."
You don’t snore with a cpap, by the way.
Not with that attitude.
But that’s how fucked up trump is though… He actually DOES snore with a cpap.