seen this post elsewhere? click for explanation

This post got banned from ! for reason “Troll Posting” which is Very Disrespectful in my opinion. 😕

I mean this meme with full respect and love to my fellow community members and I was proud of the discussion and support it was creating.

EDIT: POST RESTORED YAY. (Thank you to the mods it turned out to be a misunderstanding.)

Important clarification/FAQ

I am not calling to coddle or excuse the behavior of bigoted men in any way!

I am calling to be kind and understanding to young men (often ages 10-20) who are very manipulable and succeptible to the massive anti feminist propaganda machine. Hope this clarifies that very important distinction. :)

Very good comments that express key points:

  • Neato
    2 months ago

    It’s not on women to soften their complaints of rape and harassment to try to prevent men from becoming incels and Nazis.

    For Fucks Sake

    Men can deal with the very mild discomfort of being occasionally reminded women have to always be vigilant.

        322 months ago

        Do you realise how pathetic you sound? Women are told to shut their mouth and keep their opinions to themselves all the fucking time. It’s time for men like you to realise that sometimes yeah you should shut up and yeah your opinion is less important than the lived experience of women when it comes down to sexism and SA. Educate yourself please before you embarrass yourself even more.

        Invisible women is a great book to start. Very easy to read and full of interesting statistics.

      • @spujb@lemmy.cafeOP
        232 months ago

        Hey! I am here to tell you don’t shut up. ❤️

        I am listening to and validating your stories. I don’t appreciate the other commenters jumping down your throat in this context.

        There are a lot of emotions running high on all sides. What is needed is a deep breath and open mindedness but that is hard under a post that is already a reaction to a reaction.

        If you haven’t already, check out !, seen some positive stuff over there and I think you could find mutual value :)

          62 months ago

          I literally just want to say thank you. I’ve been trying to get across something similar, and I’m sure we’d disagree on a few issues. But your compassion and understanding of all points of view is genuinely inspiring

          • @spujb@lemmy.cafeOP
            12 months ago

            It was a divisive comment that was certainly fueled by already-high emotions, the mods may have just done what was necessary to keep toxicity and flaming at bay.

            I ask you to please not add fuel to the fire—nobody gains anything from the doubling down on hurt feelings. Listen to each other instead of trying to one-up.

                  2 months ago

                  Oh not just “at this point” I’ve been busy figuring out what sticks with people vs. what doesn’t for at least two decades now. Points that, when prodded, don’t cause resistance, where some leverage can be applied that then may or may not avalanche into reevaluation of other topics which would be foolhardy to address directly. Dancing around the neuroses of the collective to enact my grand political vision of *checks notes* universal psychological health.

                  That all said yes of course we also have issues with gender roles. It’s just that in terms of who sits at the big power levers that’s not terribly relevant any more, it’s not 1850 any more the dam has long since been breached and as women can inherit fortunes nowadays the gender distribution of oligarchs is bound to level out soon enough.

          11 month ago

          None of that has anything to do with the conversation. You’re only justifying the fact that you’re agreeing that men don’t get to have problems and should just shut up

    • @spujb@lemmy.cafeOP
      522 months ago

      absolutely agree ❤️

      which is why i am very thankful for those who put in patience and effort into encouraging young men to see their shortcomings ~ outside the context of women voicing their experiences ~ in order to achieve a more equitable future for all

      71 month ago

      Stopping the progressive downfall of society is on all of society, period. What’s the end game of alienating half the race?

      You’re right about one thing. Women can’t make men not rape, and it doesn’t really fall to them. Does it fall to the good guys, though? The ones who already don’t rape and stand up to their peers who have toxic ideas? And, really, are you reaching anyone who needs to hear it with rhetoric like this?

      Changing society is a game everyone has to be on board with. Everyone makes up society, so you can’t just tell half of them they’re not fit and expect it just to work out. Sure, not all men, but quite frankly I’m tired of having to be “one of the good ones”. We already decided labeling someone one of the good ones wasn’t right with black people, we really need to have that fight again?

      • Neato
        31 month ago

        Does it fall to the good guys, though? The ones who already don’t rape and stand up to their peers who have toxic ideas?

        Yes, precisely. If the majority of men don’t change the culture by standing up for women and against low-key misogyny that’s everywhere then nothing will change and they aren’t really “good guys”.

        And, really, are you reaching anyone who needs to hear it with rhetoric like this?

        Dunno. But there’s certainly a LOT of misogynists on Lemmy and I’m going to keep pushing back against them. They probably think they’re feminists, too. Quoting bear statistics, saying “not all men”, equivocating gender and race relations, telling women to “tone down” their complains so they don’t alienate rapists and potential rapists.

        Sure, not all men, but quite frankly I’m tired of having to be “one of the good ones”.

        Lol, don’t fret. With an attitude like that, you aren’t.

        black people

        We aren’t talking about race, honey. If they think you can just swap labels you REALLY don’t understand what’s going on. No surprise.

          51 month ago

          Not gonna bother with the nuance-missing ad hom attacks. Just this one.

          We aren’t talking about race, honey. If they think you can just swap labels you REALLY don’t understand what’s going on. No surprise.

          If you can’t see that it is 100% an equivalent situation, you have no idea why people are actually upset and just want to join the noise.

          Also, don’t call me honey. It’s really degrading, id expect better from someone like you.

          • Neato
            21 month ago

            Also, don’t call me honey. It’s really degrading, id expect better from someone like you.


      • Neato
        42 months ago

        Do tell how I am being transphobic. I did not speak of sex nor cis/trans distinctions. And binary trans people (cannot speak to nonbinary) have experience as both genders.

        Also how is this pointless? The entire discussion revolves around the Patriarchy: a social system that gives dominance to men. Gender is at the heart of it. Trying to apply this discussion to other fields falls short because it is discussing the nuances of gender politics and the Patriarchy in particular. Which is why trying to overlay this discussion onto race or nationality doesn’t make sense (referring to other common arguments, not this thread in particular).

          • Neato
            72 months ago

            Thanks. I’m not sure what it is but any talk of men-women gender privilege gets a LOT of flak from pro-men posters on Lemmy. Unsure if it’s instance-based or just general userbase outside LGBT+ instances. I’ve blocked a few bad ones but I see the flak from across a wide array of instances.

            I try to push back hard against disingenuous arguments to try to clue people in. I’ve tried what this thread suggests, and still do try to use logic and honest discussion but when I see the same dumb argument 5 times in a thread, I lose patience.

          42 months ago

          Calling transphobia in such a disingenuous way is pretty gross. There is nothing wrong with your comment, as trans man I stand fully behind it. Bigots try to divide feminists and trans people often in similar ways but we won’t let them ❤️