This weekend I aim to relax as much as my children will let me. But my younger daughter turns one on Sunday. So, we’ll likely celebrate that.

  • @jjjalljs
    330 days ago

    A meetup is doing a picnic on Saturday so I might go to that. Otherwise just hanging out by myself. Probably some park walks. Maybe a bike ride. Video games. Frustratingly looking at tinder. It’s so clearly enshittified.

    Monday/Tuesday I have plans with folks that couldn’t meet this weekend though, so that’ll be nice.

      130 days ago

      maybe build a dating app that isnt shitty and mention it in meetup groups and see if it can grow?

      • @jjjalljs
        229 days ago

        I’ve thought about it. Putting aside the tremendous technical hurdles, bootstrapping a new dating app is hard. And what would make this one special?

        I had an idea for some sort of trust network thing. Like you could vouch for your friends, and if they’re assholes you lose reputation. But that doesn’t work without a lot of people.

        It would probably be easier to get rich some other way and just buy out Match group, and use that position to de-shittify their apps.

        229 days ago

        Rather than that just setting up speed dating events, dances, etc. would yield better results for less effort. Or even setting up a matchmaker service…