• jjjalljs
    2 hours ago

    Cities matter more. Sorry, but that’s the reality.

    Cities are where people live. People matter.

    Cities are where culture happens. Culture matters. You’re not going to have a big art/music/anything scene in bumbleweed, NE because there aren’t enough people there to constitute a scene.

    Cities are where economy happens. Money moving around matters. There are more transactions per day in the corner shop by me than a whole week in some country town with 700 residents.

    Rural people still have the Senate and local government. Their rep in the house (which should be expanded) also should speak up for their region.

    Everyone deserves some minimum respect, but the idea that nowhere-utah is just as important as Queens is insane. A minority holding the majority garbage is not good. Especially when that minority seems fixated on terrible ideas like climate change denial and xenophobia.