Why did UI’s turn from practical to form over function?

E.g. Office 2003 vs Microsoft 365

Office 2003

It’s easy to remember where everything is with a toolbar and menu bar, which allows access to any option in one click and hold move.

Microsoft 365

Seriously? Big ribbon and massive padding wasting space, as well as the ribbon being clunky to use.

Why did this happen?

  • TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world
    3 hours ago

    You are among the first people I’ve seen online who hasn’t circlejerked about literally any level of padding/spacing being too much padding.

    People on Reddit/Lemmy always talk about how unusably shit any modern design is, and how UX/UI from 20+ years ago was so much better.

    Yet do they use ancient copies of the software that broadly still performs the tasks people need of them? No.

    Do they theme their system to look like the oh-so-superior Win98? No.

    Don’t get me wrong, sometimes I see a design change I dislike. But as a general rule, UI has definitely got better over the years.

    And don’t get me wrong, part of me feels great nostalgia at seeing old UX’s, because it reminds me of the “good old days” when I bought my first computer in 1999. It’s fun to Go back and use systems from back then. And at first you think AAAAA this is so cool, I remember all this, this looks neat, but after that nostalgia wears off you think *“thank god modern UIs aren’t inconsistent, cramped and cluttered like this”

    Nostalgia goggles are a powerful thing.

    • nyan@lemmy.cafe
      44 minutes ago

      Yet do they use ancient copies of the software that broadly still performs the tasks people need of them? No.

      Yes, actually—I have a VM reserved mostly for 16-bit software.

      Do they theme their system to look like the oh-so-superior Win98? No.

      Yes, actually—the Windows machine I’m forced to use for work restores as much of that aesthetic as practical, sometimes with the help of third-party software. My main home machine features a Linux DE whose appearance is largely the same as it was circa 2005 and whose development team is dedicated to keeping that look and feel.

      Some of us do put our money where our mouths are, although I admit that isn’t universal.

      It’s true that some level of padding is necessary in a UI, but the amount present in contemporary design is way too large for a system using a traditional mouse or laptop touchpad, which are capable of small, precise movements. Touchscreen-friendly design is best saved for touchscreens, but people don’t want to do the work involved to create multiple styles of UI for different hardware. I’ve never encountered anything touted as “one size fits all”, whether it be a UI or a piece of clothing, that actually does fit everyone. At best, it’s “one size fits most”, and I’m usually outside the range of “most” the designers had in mind. At worst, it’s “lowest common denominator”, and that seems to be the best description for contemporary UI design.

    • rottingleaf@lemmy.world
      5 hours ago

      Yet do they use ancient copies of the software that broadly still performs the tasks people need of them? No.

      This just means that functionality and interoperability criteria are more important than usability. They are - you can’t just exchange docs with a person using a modern office suite, while you are using WordPerfect 8 for Linux.

      This is the opposite of confirming your argument about UI\UX, because this means that UI\UX are order of magnitude less important in making the decision.

      And it’s obvious, I swear, some people haven’t been taught that arguments are not intended to support their group or hierarchy, you can’t do that with cheating in arguments anyway. They are intended to find out truth, make both participants richer than before.

      Do they theme their system to look like the oh-so-superior Win98? No.

      That’s simply because they “theme their system” to look as they wish and they don’t have to stop with Win98 or Win2K.

      But in a “one size to fit all” situation those are still obviously superior.

      Ergonomics is not a matter of opinions, there’s plenty of research since the fscking world war two. Different controls should have different colors, shapes and textures. It’s a scientifically proven statement. Proven with human error stats and time to do a task stats.

      Padding controls and indicators with space can be a good thing, but no modern designer is doing it right as far as I’m concerned. Because it’s not about making panels half the screen, it’s about different groups of controls being clearly separated by that space and padded for focus, and space being used proportionally to importance.

      They’ve all heard something of it, but haven’t learned the actual thing.

      Older UIs were usually (often, but not always) made with respect to ergonomics.

      thank god modern UIs aren’t inconsistent, cramped and cluttered like this

      Our ideas of all three things seem to be diametrically opposite. For me older UIs seem ordered, compact and correctly accented. In general, it’s not always true - say, I like the appearance of old KDE (2-3), but not sure if I’d use it daily, for example (neither I would modern KDE).

      • TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world
        3 hours ago

        This just means that functionality and interoperability criteria are more important than usability.

        Sometimes yes. Usually no, for most people. If you make a word document in an older version of office, it’ll still work fine. If you use LibreOffice with the oldest-looking UI, it’ll still work. 99% of people don’t use the extremely niche features that have been added in recent years.

        But people by and large don’t do that. They typically use the newest version.

        This is the opposite of confirming your argument about UI\UX, because this means that UI\UX are order of magnitude less important in making the decision.

        No it isn’t.

        How is using software with modern interfaces actually a confirmation that people actually prefer older UX?

        That’s simply because they “theme their system” to look as they wish and they don’t have to stop with Win98 or Win2K.

        Exactly. And almost nobody themes their system to look like the supposedly superior in UI/UX Win95/98/2000. Indicating that maybe people don’t actually want a UI from that era, despite Reddit and Lemmy insisting that everybody does.

        Ergonomics is not a matter of opinions, there’s plenty of research

        Exactly. And that research has lead to where we are now.

        Padding controls and indicators with space can be a good thing,

        Is a good thing.

        They’ve all heard something of it, but haven’t learned the actual thing.

        No, they’ve generally improved it, and listened to actual UX usability studies.

        Older UIs were usually (often, but not always) made with respect to ergonomics.

        They almost never were. Seriously. Go back and try some 90s software. Most of it was a cluttered mess, ugly, really weirdly laid out, and had zero considering for anybody with disabilities.

        Our ideas of all three things seem to be diametrically opposite. For me older UIs seem ordered, compact and correctly accented

        And that’s fine. You can think differently. But most would disagree with you, outside the Redditor/Lemmy bubble.

    • cmhe@lemmy.world
      5 hours ago

      People spend lots of money to buy big screens, only for apps/websites to use a fraction of it.

      I cannot control how every application or website I have to use looks, but where I can, I try to find solutions.

      When I am occasionally on reddit, I use old.reddit. I use addons for youtube, to remove unecessary stuff, or open videos directly in mpv.

      I use reader mode to make many sites easier to navigate.

      Mastodon and Lemmy have a much better design than Twitter or new Reddit.

      On the one windows machine I still have, I use the classic shell, to replace the start menu with something more usable.

      I use Libreoffice, and many other Software with sane functional UI.

      I don’t want to use old software, because the older software gets, the more hostile the environment becomes for it.

      A lot of UI decisions on the Internet seem driven by the need to create empty spaces to put advertising into, and with adblocker it looks just bad.

      • TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world
        1 hour ago

        The bulk of these aren’t issues with modern design, IMO, it’s about enshittification of the services we use.

        Having huge spaces for ads, for example, isn’t a “this is how UX should be” thing, it’s a “lets shove ads everywhere to make money” thing. If you put the same amount of ads in older software/on sites that look like they’re from 2002, it would also look terrible.

        The Windows start menu isn’t bad because it has some padding and easier click targets, it’s bad because the search doesn’t work, it’s full of ads, and pushes Bing searches on you.


    • AA5B@lemmy.world
      4 hours ago
      • Laptop screens are now useless
      • I used to use my iPad as an additional monitor but I can no longer fit even a useable text chat window on it
      • I need my 27” monitor to fit the useable workspace that a laptop screen once had
      • AnUnusualRelic@lemmy.world
        11 minutes ago

        2k is the new 800×600… :-/

        It’s probably even worse for Windows users with all those stupid unresizeable windows.

      • TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world
        3 hours ago

        How are laptop screens useless? I’m using a laptop right now. Doesn’t seem useless to me.

        I have more than enough room.

        Laptops wouldn’t be the main form factor for doing PC work if they were useless.

        I need my 27” monitor to fit the useable workspace that a laptop screen once had

        Unless you’ve got scaling set super high for some reason, that’s very doubtful.

          • TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world
            1 hour ago

            Damn I wish, I’ve been eyeing those up for ages.

            It’s some Huawei laptop I found refurbished for a price I couldn’t turn down

        • AA5B@lemmy.world
          1 hour ago

          No wait, let me go with your example ….

          You believe a laptop window is useful because you can run a browser with 11 headlines visible

          My first work “computer” was a vt100 terminal: black and white, 80 characters wide (on the newer models), by 24 rows. I could and did have a reader that could display as many as 20 headlines on a single screen, and I could scroll and drill down much faster. Sure the UI was shit, but it had the functionality to do the task.

          Don’t get me wrong, I fully appreciate the usability and power of a modern graphical UI and would never go back. However the point is designers focus too much on eye candy and “doing it because they can” over actual functionality. Can you understand my frustration that a modern 1900x1200 screen with millions of colors is really no more functional than a 40 year old black and white character based terminal. I get that designers want to show off their UI, but I want the UI to get out of my way and let me do more stuff. I want there to be more focus on compactness and efficiency. I want at least some attention paid to using resources wisely

          • TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world
            58 minutes ago

            *12 headlines, on a window that doesn’t even take up my whole screen, at 125% scaling, with a bookmark bar taking up space, and on a site rich with thumbnails.

            And fine. I’ll set it to standard 100% scaling, at a size where I can still comfortably work:

            19 headlines, and some nice related thumbnails, a site header with plenty of links, 2 small file manager windows open, and a terminal window open.

            Please do continue to tell me about how “unusable” laptops are.

        • AA5B@lemmy.world
          2 hours ago

          Wow, you can fit one whole browser window on it … with headlines.

          Even back in the CRT days, I could have a couple windows, such as email, text, and IDE

          • my email program now has huge wasted ui space so might take up the whole laptop screen, leaving me thing. Email is not work, but something on the side for communication that shouldn’t interfere with work
          • my text chat is no longer a tiny rectangle in the corner but has huge wasted ui space and wants to take up an entire laptop screen. Even that is sometimes not enough. Text is not work, text is somethign on the side that shouldn’t interfere with work
          • my IDE has huge waste UI space and no longer fits any useable workspace on a laptop screen

          Laptops are great for portability: I used to carry them to work from any loaation. It was great while it lasted. Now I carry it from docking station to docking station, and I’m back to the bad old days of dpneeding an office set up, so I can have usable monitors

          • TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world
            1 hour ago

            Wow, you can fit one whole browser window on it … with headlines.

            I easily fit my browser on it (displaying a reasonably-sized page without content being cut off) with a file manager at the side, which is what I had open at the time.

            I don’t know what you wanted me to show you. 4 windows in a quadrant layout? That would be doable too, for most programs.

            I was refuting your point that laptops are unusable because of modern UX - clearly they aren’t.

            Even back in the CRT days, I could have a couple windows, such as email, text, and IDE

            I thought we were talking about laptops! Now you’re talking about a monitor on a desk?

            As I just showed you, you can have multiple windows open on a laptop. My laptop isn’t even large, it’s just a usual 14.something" laptop.

            You should go into your display settings and turn your scaling down, because it seems to me you’ve got scaling set at 200% or something lol