I’m not really looking to hear from people who don’t think this way, with answers like “insecurity”, “toxic masculinity”, etc. I want to hear answers from men who really detest men who sit to pee.
Follow-up questions:
- when you have to piss while shitting, do you stand up turn around and piss on your shit and then sit back down to finish shitting?
- are you ever groggy in the morning?
- how clean is your toilet and surrounding floor, and whose job is cleaning it?
- what are your true passions in life?
Real men sit to pee so they don’t have to clean their own piss up later.
Whenever I talk about this, some asshat will come along and make a comment about sitting on a tree. No, dumbass, I don’t sit to pee on a tree. Or a urinal. I sit to pee on my toilet at home so I can tell you what an idiot you are while I’m pissing just to prove how manly I am.
Real men pee however they want and make sure not to leave a mess for the next bathroom user. Standing or sitting has nothing to do with masculinity.
Agreed, just making a joke because of the context.
Amen brother
Hahahahahaha! “dO yOu SiT aT a UrInAl Or On A tReE?” That is some wrinkle-free brain logic right there.