Finally seriously looking at #Obsidian Sync.

Where should I store my vault on my #Mac? I feel so lost! For years × ∞ I’ve put everything in Dropbox or iCloud, but that, I hear, is a recipe for sync troubles.

* looks at computer as if for the first time, confused expression on previously confident face *

Why is my Documents folder greyed out? Where am I? *Who* am I ?? Help me, obi-@obsidianmd, you’re my only hope!

  • Dr
    1 year ago

    @kurau @ellane @obsidianmd I use Syncthing successfully, syncing mac, pc and android phone. I run 2 vaults, sync everything to the pc and sync main vualt with mac and a separate small vault with the phone. You do get some workspace json or similar conflicts (this happens in any sync situation imo, I used to get it with Evernote notes quite often) but if you resolve those by selecting the one you want via date or time or device etc, it works very well.