We love you tecca

  • Bearigator
    1 year ago

    I have listened to this album every day since you posted it (so 3 times haha) and I really don’t know how I feel about it still.

    On one hand, I don’t think I like any of the songs individually very much. The best track I’d probably give like a 6/10 and most of them are personally like 4/10 for my taste. I don’t think they are bad tracks exactly, it just isn’t my style of rap and I’m rating strictly on personal enjoyment.

    On the other hand, as an album, it flows very well. I absolutely love when songs in an album flow in to each other well and this album very much does that. The transition from Yves to HVN ON EARTH right at the start hooked me the first time I listened to it. Then it happened again going in to the 3rd track, then the 4th. It isn’t as seamless after that but every track still WORKS going in to the next one, even if it isn’t as perfect as those first 4 and frequently there are sections where it does go back to those perfect transitions.

    Dead Or Alive was the standout track to me, with Need Me being my second favorite but mostly because of the sample from “This Boy Is Mine” at the start.

    Thanks for sharing. This isn’t something I’d have given a chance if somebody hadn’t posted it here but I ended up enjoying it way more than I expected.