• moshankey@lemmy.one
    1 year ago

    I’m currently dealing with 4 herniated discs, 3 or 4 bulging discs and something else going on in my neck. Two days ago I had to see a nurse practitioner about some gut issues. I was at the office to talk about those issues but the nurse had looked over my records to see the spinal problems. She said that I must be dealing with a lot of pain. That was the first time one of my practitioners actually said something about that. It just kind of validated my current situation. It helped.

      • moshankey@lemmy.one
        1 year ago

        I suppose that they do their jobs. I just feel it would make patients feel a bit more comfortable if clinicians were more human. It doesn’t take much effort to ask how a person is doing. As a mental health therapist and a school teacher for a long time it didn’t take much to make a kid feel a bit better with a smile or something. We are all under time limits these days but being human can help.

  • whenigrowup356@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    TW: suicidal thoughts

    In uni I was going through pretty bad depression, had broken off a pretty toxic relationship, getting behind on assignments more and more until it was all feeling overwhelming, I wasn’t going out of my apartment much at all and started considering ending it all, but couldn’t quite work myself up to do it.

    For whatever reason i still showed up to one of my classes on project presentation day even though I had absolutely nothing to present. Professor called on me and I just said, “I can’t, nothing prepared” with no eye contact and expected that to be the end of it.

    As I was walking out she made really intense eye contact and asked if everything was ok, anything I wanted to talk about? I was caught off-guard so I hesitated, then waited for everyone to leave. I think all I got out was “I’ve been feeling a little down” or something generic like that. She referred me to campus counseling and I went to a few sessions. It was enough to pull me back from the brink at least.

    tl;dr Professor probably saved my life by not letting me be a faceless ghost when that’s all I felt like.

    Please call 988 in the US or go to


    for chat if you need someone to listen.

  • Jeena@jemmy.jeena.net
    1 year ago

    Just today a friend posted that he thinks I’m experiencing 10 times more things in my life than him because I posted a picture from me participating in a theatre show in Japan last week in our groupchat.

    This is after me being home with the baby for the last 4 months and I felt every day is the same (with exception of the baby growing and being more and more fun). So I felt that yeah I am doing a lot of different things.

    • DandomRude@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      I don’t even have kids and yet I would never find the time or self-discipline to do something cool like that. Since I became an uncle a year ago, I’ve become somewhat aware of how difficult it is to find time for the good things in life besides kids and work. Now I have the greatest respect for parents who manage to do that.

      • Jeena@jemmy.jeena.net
        1 year ago

        I guess it sounds more involved than it was, we were at some themepark in Japan and went to one of the ahows. In the bwginning they asked for volontiers and my fiance pushed my arm up, being the only non asian there they decided to take me for the lulz. Then I put some japanese clothes on and sat there with 6 japanes words written out in latin alphabet on the back of the fan and when they told me I’d shout out the next phrase :D

  • Cunty@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    When I was in college, online dating was getting popular and tinder had recently come out. I met one guy through the app and we texted/called/emailed for a couple of weeks. I never met him in person and for all I know it could have been a 45 year old woman I was chatting with. However, he wrote a letter to my future spouse about me and how I was kind and selfless, it was a full page letter and I still read it from time to time when I’m feeling down about myself or trying to climb out of a depressive episode. It’s one of the most genuine letters I’ve ever received and I still cherish it and cry a little when I read it, over a decade later.

    I profusely thanked him at the time and tried to get back in touch and thank him years later after our conversations faded out but I never heard back.

  • SanguinePar@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Every so often my daughter will turn to me and say “You’re a really good dad,” or similar.

    Gets me every time 🥹

  • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    “God you smell good.”

    • said by a lady working behind gas station check out.

    Yeah, I muttered “thanks” and left. Still stuck with me, though,

  • dingus@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I was having a really rough couple of weeks at work…felt like I was bordering on a mental breakdown tbh…and two of my coworkers helped me feel so much better about it. One of them was just generally being goofy around me to lighten the mood and another helped me feel so much better about something I messed up. It’s really great having kind, fun coworkers who you really care about. They often brighten my day.

    I thanked them the next day for being great people and brought in donuts. One of them was like wtf are you dying or something why are you saying that lol.

    I’m so appreciative of them and love being around them and the possibility of them moving on to another workplace some day does scare me a bit tbh.

  • pineapplefriedrice@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    When I was a kid my teacher told my parents “she has something that nobody else at her age has, and that’s genuine empathy”. Now I’m an adult so it’s not an applicable compliment anymore, but I still appreciate that comment, and I’d like to think it was true.

  • 30isthenew29@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    My sister helped me with the last projects for middle school at the very end with like a few days left. No way I would have graduated without her. It was all because I kept slacking on my homework. I could have easily made it if I hadn’t done that and just did my homework. That said, in this situation my sister saved me haha.🥰

    Yes, of course I thanked her!

    • pineapplefriedrice@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Omg I JUST did this, though she was in grade 12. Basically did all the work knowing that she wouldn’t graduate if she didn’t hand it in. If I’m honest it bothers me because she didn’t deserve to graduate, and I don’t like the idea of enabling someone’s bad habits and she makes a habit of skating by, but I couldn’t help myself. Not having a high school diploma is a death knell for so many things, and I think there was a very good chance that she wouldn’t have gone back to finish school. I don’t know if I made the right decision or if she just needed to learn a life lesson and experience some real consequences, but alas here we are.