• mrbaby@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    I’ve noticed my parents have reverted to basically defiant teenagers.

    My mom can’t keep a basic job and lives in a camper. I’ve been sending her $1k+ a month to keep her fed and off the streets. My dad left and disappeared for 3 years while he ran around doing weird shit. He’s kept a steady job but found another younger family. Now he’s just a distant acquaintance. When i left home 10+ years ago they had a 3000sqft ranch house, pretty well put together, retired after 20yrs in the USAF. That house turned into an episode of hoarders, particularly with animals. Piss and shit everywhere, floors were torn down to the plywood, walls soaked in piss, that weird “smoker dust” hanging off the popcorn ceiling, unknown number of feral cats took over the basement. She lived there without paying the mortgage for years and years and finally got evicted a couple years ago… I would fucking kill to have a $1300 mortgage on a 3k sqft 1acre property. My rent for 900sqft is almost double. It’s sickening she let it go like that. This all happened around 2015… hmm

    It really sucks knowing that if shit hits the fan for any of us (their kids) we have zero safety net to fall back on.