How users discover information on the internet is changing

    1 year ago

    ………genocides? That requires a fuckassload of elaboration. To my knowledge, which is an unfortunate amount, the modern Chinese state hasn’t engaged in anything which could be labled a genocide. The US state, however, is currently sanctioning (a lighter form but still a form/method of genocide) multiple nations for no reasons they can explain properly. Cuba being chief among them. Support of Israel and Saudi Arabia (and others) is also supporting genocide (of the Palestinians and the Yemenis respectively).

    China on the other hand, in the last couple decades, has been “accused” of “cultural genocide” an important word to note is cultural… they then made changes to the tactics of imprisoning Uyghurs, which is debatable how much/how bad it was to begin with, and basically all the stuff anyone could complain about in that respect has either been disproven or corrected. The US has absolutely no moral ground to stand on here though considering the historic and ongoing treatment of black and indigenous peoples in the US which are treated insanely far worse than anything ever accused of China in regards to the Uyghurs, which again, they stopped doing the spying and arresting/harassment shit once people complained. That’s kind of the difference between the US and China… China usually stops doing shitty shit when people call them out on it (if it was ever even shitty or real to begin with- many stories the US state dept tries to push (remember that balloon thing? Lmao) are straight up lies based on Sinophobia).

    It’s incredibly odd to criticize China, admit western nations have and are fucking you harder, but then still rail against China so hard. My advice: change what you can change. That means change the laws and the actions of the western government you live under. Once that is done THEN you can perhaps criticize foreign governments. Further advice: do so on things they’ve actually done, not made up or super exaggerated projections from the western state departments/media (same thing).

        1 year ago

        It’s no use. Getting a lemmygrad user to accept uyghur and falun gong genocides is about as futile as trying to convince a covid denier to get a vaccine. CCP can do no wrong in their eyes.

        1 year ago

        Wikipedia……… sigh

        I’m only typing this for people who actually want to, I dunno, look into stuff and not just suck the garbage shoveled directly from the CIA/state dept/etc. into their mouths/assholes. It’s not for this lost child.

        I already did TWO of my “i will allow myself to rot my brain with morons for their benefit, not mine” posts today. My allotment is one. I’m not giving a third. So you get the short, “feel free to google” version. No apologies.

        1. Wikipedia is dogshit. Not for the reasons your university professor told you, but yes also those, but because it caters almost nearly exclusively to… a western/US/EU audience. That is not good when the majority of the world is… not. Who edits wikipedia? Who is allowed? Yes, you guessed correctly. In an effort to appear “fair” they just allow basically anything which can be “”””””””””””””””””””””sourced””””””””””””””””””””” ie some Nazi in his basement slammed out an article on (a website you’d surely enjoy if it existed)

        2. second and I’m just not typing more after this. Again, google, bing, duckduckgo your way to knowing more shit if you want. I’ll be kind enough to tell you what NOT to read/watch if you want to ask. Hint: if it bangs on about a omega total genocide! in China, then, you know… move on. Very Long story very short since you lack the ability to read (but a little bit of a story for not-you). It has been investigated. Yes. It has. The findings were, in short summary as I already fucking said, the Chinese gov spied on, arrested, harassed, etc. members of the Muslim population that I already wrote about, once again, but you cannot read apparently and monkey smash BHHUUUJHAHAHAH GENOCIDE CHINA TANKIE into google and got the Wikipedia full of bullshit. Did you read any of it? No. You wouldn’t be fucking posting about it if you did. Is arresting someone for no apparently good reason a good thing? Sure isn’t! Is it…… genocide? SURE IS NOT! The findings were, in short, that Z E R O people were killed! Zero. Read the shit! Z E R O! Not a genocide already. “But the culture!” Ok. So if you just want to make up words and phrases which normal people call “being a dickbag” “being racist (more of an ethnic thing, but point stands)” and whatever else, I mean go ahead, but also, no. Do not go ahead. Genocide means something specific. Purposeful targeted eradication of a group of people for their ethnicity, race, religion, etc. This was certainly targeted and WOULD BE a genocide if the Chinese government were arresting and then killing them. There isn’t a single shred of evidence for that happening though. Not even evidence of, like, bussing them en masse from the area. Some people got arrested WHICH WAS BAD BUT NOT GENOCIDE for no apparent reason besides being Muslim/not going along with Chinese policy. That was bad! But guess what? The gov stopped as soon as this shit hit the world. They literally fucking stopped all of it due to external but mostly due to internal pressures. I can’t claim, no one can, that everything there is perfect now. But what everyone who can read can claim is: there was never a genocide. There was some bad shit like targetted arrests. And then it ended once people objected outside the targeted community. And that’s basically the end of it.

        (Since you love Wikipedia so much google the rates of black people imprisoned and murdered by United States authorities every day/year. Is that a genocide? (Yes). It FAR worse than anything done by China outside of, hey, one time a very long time ago when a shitty horrible kid raping cult got subjected to their authority. One bad thing China definitely did do though was fucking with Vietnam. But even there the US was INSANELY far worse. And which country do you live in again? Where do you vote? Who can you influence? Is the answer China? No? Then fix your own fucking country you Sinophobic disgusting ape.)

      1 year ago

      Is invading Tibet and the raping and killing everyone there not a crime to you? I agree with Palestine but don’t pretend like China doesn’t try to invade Taiwan every other week, they literally fire missiles into Taiwanese airspace all the time. The Uyghur genocide; invading Mongolia and forcing everyone there to mine coal at gunpoint?

      No country around China wants to be a part of China, that’s their right, so why defend a country that has nothing but Imperialistic intentions if you’re anti-Imperialist? China loves to whip black people to death in Africa too, is that cool with you? I hope it’s not

        1 year ago

        They are not anti-imperialist. They want a planetary empire encompassing all our planet, no exceptions, which will fulfill various commie utopia images, like united humanity colonizing other star systems etc.

        I mean, their idea of anti-imperialist is not that empires are too aggressive in killing and robbing, but that they are too modest to stop at that instead of integrating what they conquer.