• GarbageShootAlt2@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Do you know what double-think is? Was the military killing armed insurrectionists, or was it all made up? Or were they standing their with tanks and watching the armed insurrectionists kill everyone?

    You are underestimating me. There was no killing in the Square itself, but there was fighting all around the surrounding area. The Square was killed with the highest degree of violence being hitting some protestors with batons when they didn’t disperse on the deadline after having many hours to comply.

    My position is completely consistent.

    and more than propaganda recordings from the Chinese government.

    It was a documentary made by westerners! The people speaking were student leaders at the protest and all remain Chinese dissidents! What level of being a “friendly source” could even hypothetically meet your standard without agreeing with you? I can dig up literal internal memos from US political actors that were leaked and you would still call it Chinese propaganda!

    I can dig it up for you if you’d like, though.

    Are you implying that the soldiers with machineguns were ther ebecause Falun Gong members set themselves on fire? And not because

    I’m saying there is a history of many violent incidents in connection with the Square and the government doesn’t want to let more happen. You literally suggest they are there to wordlessly pressure people into what to think despite that same incident that lead to that conclusion having the opposite effect on you! It’s a nonsensical psychodrama, not a cogent political observation.

    No you’re right. People can have panic-based hallucinations when tanks open fire

    As far as I know, the tanks never opened fire, it was all gunfire from the PLA side. It was an urban combat situation within Beijing (because it wasn’t on the Square itself, but slightly more closed areas) so having the tanks fire seems like it would be excessively destructive and hazardous. Then again, I don’t know.

    And the first thing they’ll do is try to take photos of it. And no matter how hard you try, the photos come out eventually. Let me reiterate, photos of bodies crushed by tanks.

    I think you might be thinking of some famous photos of what are clearly bikes strewn about and people taking cover.

    I’ve seen photos of the massacre. I have heard witness testimonies that corroborate those photos, and witness testimonies that do not. I am aware of several governments (including my own) that have used false or intimidated witnesses to try to hide an atrocity. Why EXACTLY do you see me as “reaching for excuses”? Do you think I WANT any government to mass-murder its protestors?

    I don’t know your life, I can’t say. You give the impression that you are a sensitive person who was traumatized and now you seek to affirm that trauma, but that’s just my impression. Atrocity propaganda is very effective, turns out, and western powers are happy to give you as much morbid slop as you can stomach. If you’ve seen any photos of people killed on the Square, feel free to reproduce them.

    At what point should I throw out every piece of evidence I’ve ever seen in my life and believe this? How would you prove to an outside observer that Tienanmen Denial is different from Holocaust Denial?

    [Aside from that being a hysterical comparison] When you speak so strongly about the evidence and then don’t produce it, you aren’t really giving me a reason to believe you. If I wanted to persuade you on the Holocaust, I’d have plenty of photos that I could show you of mass graves, piles of shoes, piles of gold teeth and fillings, nail marks on the doors of the gas chambers, and notably virtually no one who was kept prisoner in the camps who denied that killing and brutality were taking place! It’s not like we have people who were prisoners in Auschwitz saying “yeah, there were no gas chambers, no butchering, it was just a prison.” Plenty of Holocaust Deniers say that, but none were prisoners of Auschwitz.

    And yet, I can point you to people who were actually at the Square and say no one was killed on it, meanwhile other people who were already gone by that time talk about viscera being washed down gutters. In the video I showed you, two people were there to see it and one person wasn’t, and you are literally defending the “witness testimony” of the person who wasn’t there! Furthermore, she says in the hotel interview before the Incident that [in so many words] it was her plan to create atrocity propaganda in order to “wake the Chinese people up”! She explicitly wanted stories of bloodshed for the sake of her political goals, to the point of trying to deliberately endanger students who trust her for the sake of them being harmed! What makes you think she wouldn’t lie when every fact about the situation also makes it impossible for her to be telling the truth?!

    • abraxas@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      I don’t know what you seem to think about the billions of people who know about the Massacre and millions who know enough about it not to be convinced by you. You are taking the same tactic of other deniers, expecting me to have nothing but Tank Guy and my High School History book in my back pocket.

      Further, you are now accusing ME of being broken or “sensitive” for simply knowing the Tienanmen Square Massacre happened. I’m going to apply the outsider test of faith here again (I know it won’t work, I don’t care). You sound exactly like a Holocaust Denier I dealt with a year ago.

      After the hysterical comparison claims… are you asking me to post the grisly photo of a line of human bodies, crushed, with joints in wrong directions, or you won’t believe it’s true? I’m not trying to convince YOU. I know from “How to Respond to Tiananmen Trolls” (from anti-propaganda Doublethink Labs) that a video of it happening would do nothing but make you smile and say “see, no evidence”. I just need to provide a voice that the world is indeed round so that flat-earthers don’t get a better foothold.

      As for the evidence, most people have already seen it and you’re just helping them forget it was there by pointing out that I haven’t bombarded YOU with articles and photos you would just deny. I would really love (hate) to hear your rebuttal to the disgusting photo of corpses crushed by tanks, but I will not be posting NSFL content in this place.

      Also, for anyone reading, I’d like to remind people of one rebuttal to your Holocaust comparison response. YES, there are more pictures of the Holocaust than the Tienanmen Square massacre. The holocaust happened over TWELVE YEARS and there are dozens of photos. The Tienanmen Square Massacre happened on ONE day. And for the casual observer who might still be here, note that this wasn’t just some protest-turned-riot. It was a long peaceful protest that was ended by the march-in of the military. In fact, there were upper leaders in the Chinese government who wanted to NOT kill all the protestors, and instead find a peaceful agreement with them (Zhao Ziyang comes to mind) whose career ended for not being on board. But I guess they’d just be Tienanmen Square deniers too?

      I’m curious what Zhao Ziyang said publicly after the massacre. But that’s a laugh. He was kept under house arrest for the rest of his life with no charges ever being levied against him, ousted from his party leadership shortly before the massacre. Oh wait, shit, yeah, in secret memoirs he released, he acknowledged the massacre and that he agreed it was a grave mistake. Leader of the Communist Party until right before the massacre.

      There’s literally nothing but a few obviously coerced confessions that counter the truth of the massacre. And you don’t care. Ultimately, Massacre deniers will just start defending China’s “necessary” action to kill those innocent protestors, as you’ve already started doing. What you did wrong was accidentally doing it while still pretending it didn’t happen. People will notice that.