Please inform me of the method by which one can vote for “SOME Democrats” without also implicitly consenting to be represented by the rest of the party.
And also, why you think your time is better spent trying to convince a hypothetical single-issue voter to capitulate than calling the Dems and demanding they do better.
Exactly. There is no alternative. This is a hostage situation.
And when the guy holding you hostage asks you to pick which of your kids he should murder first, the right move isn’t to vote for the “lesser” evil, but to spit in his eye.
What the actual hell is this?
Misleading and full of bunk. The two parties are very far from one another, regardless of what this guy’s cute little graphic says.
Say I’m a single-issue voter for nuclear disarmament, which party represents my interest?
Clearly the Democrats (specifically progressives) align most closely with what you want.
Cool story, bro.
Ok genius, first sentence. Who was on board from the getgo to stop the rollback?
Republicans. SOME Democrats join them, unlike ALL Republicans who are against nuclear rollback altogether.
Ergo, the Democrats most closely align with your goals.
Please inform me of the method by which one can vote for “SOME Democrats” without also implicitly consenting to be represented by the rest of the party.
And also, why you think your time is better spent trying to convince a hypothetical single-issue voter to capitulate than calling the Dems and demanding they do better.
You act like you have an alternative. Republicans are directly opposed to your pov, and Dems aren’t perfect. Those are your choices.
Exactly. There is no alternative. This is a hostage situation.
And when the guy holding you hostage asks you to pick which of your kids he should murder first, the right move isn’t to vote for the “lesser” evil, but to spit in his eye.
And by doing so you implicitly vote for the side that represents you the least.
Perhaps you should look up how first past the post works. Not voting IS voting, but not in a favorable way for yourself.