UNICEF has declared Gaza to be the “world’s most dangerous place to be a child.”

United States diplomats once again held up a vote on a watered-down United Nations Security Council resolution on Wednesday aimed at bringing more aid and relief to civilians in the besieged Gaza Strip as reports of starvation, mass killings, and other war crimes allegedly committed by the Israeli military continue to pile up.

  • NoneOfUrBusiness
    146 months ago

    “Allegations”? The UN has condemned them for war crimes already, over a month ago. There are no allegations here, only statements of fact.

    • §ɦṛɛɗɗịɛ ßịⱺ𝔩ⱺɠịᵴŧOP
      226 months ago

      “This genocide is similar to other atrocities, whats the issue?”

      You’re either an idiot, brainwashed, or wildly self centered. Regardless, you’re promoting death of innocent humans. Shut up or wake up, thats the best decision you could make in life right now if this is seriously your take.

        • @Count042@lemmy.ml
          126 months ago

          Recognize that the Palestinians are people with legitimate grievances and enter into peace dialogues with that at the front of your mind and the recognition that you will have to give an equal amount for what you ate asking them to give up.

          Negotiate in good faith. It honestly isn’t a hard or complicated thought.

          It only is complicated of you honestly believe Palestinians are less than you as a people.

        • NoneOfUrBusiness
          76 months ago

          ’d love to hear your idea for a peace deal that Hamas would actually accept and 100% stop their attacks on Israeli Civilians for.

          Remember the ceasefire deal of 2008 and 2012? Those.

    • @forrgott@lemm.ee
      176 months ago

      If side A uses a human shield, and side B immediately kills that human without hesitation, side B has made a much more evil decision.

      Nothing justifies genocide. Period.

        • @Count042@lemmy.ml
          106 months ago

          Israel has killed at least 8000 children in two months through indiscriminate bombing and forcing doctors to abandon babies in incubation units so they starve and die alone and rot.

          Fuck the Israeli government. Israel has made itself a hotbed of terrorism.

          This is literally the same logic. Learn to think better. Stop justifying genocide.

    • @regul@lemm.ee
      166 months ago

      Like, I know that, because you’re a supporter of ethnostates you’re already arguing from such a bad faith position this almost isn’t worth it, but, even being the genius you are, certainly you would admit that the IDF would never allow Hamas to have actual established military bases even when not at war, right? You do get that? As soon as Hamas said “this is a military training facility” the Israelis would blow it up.

      You’re acting like there’s some way for Hamas to carry out conventional warfare against a vastly more well-resourced occupying force.

    • NoneOfUrBusiness
      146 months ago

      I’m sure Israel would love it if Hamas met them on an open battlefield, or even had nicely organized military bases they could attack.

      Uh… Hamas is a resistance movement, not an army. They can’t have these things.

    • @Count042@lemmy.ml
      126 months ago

      You would have, as Israel did, supported the apartheid south African government and condemned the ANC for being violent.

      Zogby of Zogby polling did multiple polls of both Palestinians and Israelis and found that both supported a single state solution.

      The difference is that the Palestinians were talking about a single state with equal rights for all, and the Israelis were talking about a single state where all the Palestinians were driven out.

      You want peace? Recognize you’ve fucked an ethnic group over, and try to make reparations for what was done. Include them as an equal voice in the process.

      And before you talk about how they’re enemies and you can’t make peace with them, enemies are explicitly who you make peace with. You don’t make peace with friends.