What did the fascists think of the Watchmen TV series?
BadEmpanada made a great liberal dunking of it: HBO’s Watchmen and Liberalism: Is a Better World Possible?chuds didn’t like it because it had white supremacist villains and a black dr. manhattan
but yeah it was lib as hell, basically radical centrism: the show
i’d watch 300 and the snyder capeshit if he destroyed disney
I genuinely though Rebel Moon was some marvel/Disney movie. I assumed because he fucked up with DC, he switched sides to marvel because they have more successful movies.
I saw screenshots and the movie poster and thought “another shitty marvel movie directed by Snyder, great.” Then I found out it has nothing to do with marvel lol
He desperately wanted to make a Star Wars, and this is the off-brand trash he made lol
if you want to make a good star wars just rip off wraith squadron or the thrawn books that disney threw away
I’m pretty sure Disney is slowly working their way adapting through the EU stuff in the Filloniverse. It’s just that 2/3 of it is animated shows that nobody watches.
That’s the funny part. You could rip it off beat for beat and general audiences wouldn’t have any idea
The film received generally negative reviews from critics, who praised its worldbuilding and action sequences, but criticized its storytelling and character development.
I really liked the sad bit in slow motion where that Leonard Cohen or Bob Dylan song played.