• @escew@lemmy.world
        355 months ago

        In one of the newer jumanji movies the kids that get trapped in the game are played by jack black/dwayne Johnson/kevin hart.

      • littleblue✨
        115 months ago
        1. It’s not the whole franchise, so that’s not entirely accurate, and 2. the movie they’re referencing was the weakest of all the Jumanji cash-grabs (funded in no small part by Hart & Johnson), so there’s little likelihood that anyone would complain — Besides, it’s the fuckin’ Muppets! Let’s go-o-o-o!
          • littleblue✨
            35 months ago

            Every bullshit attempt after the Robin Williams classic isn’t worth being referred to as a Jumanji movie. Case closed.

        • drphungky
          25 months ago

          Whoa whoa whoa - the Jumanji reboot was excellent. It’s still a kids movie, but Jack Black was amazing, and even Kevin “Homophobe” Hart showed some chops. And the Rock and Karen Gilliam are both good as always.

          Yes, it’s a derivative recycle of existing IP capitalizing on nostalgia, but everything now is a derivative recycle of existing IP capitalizing on nostalgia. At least they updated the board game idea to have fun 80s video game call backs and tried their best for a good script and good acting. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

  • Sigilos
    685 months ago

    Miss Piggy would definitely call it a Boarbarian, however.

  • @fidodo@lemmy.world
    515 months ago

    My favorite is when you have a great serious performance with Muppets as the costars like Michael Cain in the Muppets Christmas Carol

    • VagabondShad
      195 months ago

      As I’ve seen before, there’s only 2 best ways to act alongside Muppets:

      1. Michael Cain method- they are the same as human costars and I will play this as seriously as a car wreck


      1. Tim Curry method- this is a muppet film and I will act like I myself am a muppet, no silliness is too silly
  • WashedOver
    325 months ago

    I envision this as something Community would have pulled off if the rights were in place. I miss that show…

  • @felbane@lemmy.world
    185 months ago

    If you like the “cutting back and forth between table and in-game” part, the Gamers series by Zombie Orpheus Entertainment would be right up your alley. Particularly “Dorkness Rising,” easily the most quotable film in the set.

    sigh My, what fine yet rustic architecture. I will examine it more closely.”

  • @Jarix@lemmy.world
    175 months ago

    Its my hope in 5 to 10 years this will be enough of a prompt for ai to make you a movie.

    It will be good for about 3 to 5 years, then all the streaming services left will bring out an AI tier subscription and Aiflix will lose prominence as functionality is the new copyright not content

    • Thassodar
      45 months ago

      I used to get baked and put that show on back to back while cleaning my room. Great stuff, sad it’s gone.

    • Lem Jukes
      35 months ago

      The world would be a better place if we could all see through Kenneth’s eyes.

  • @HelixDab2@lemm.ee
    45 months ago

    Due to the way writing credits work, how writers get paid, etc., posting this in public pretty much guarantees that it won’t get made. Studios are very adverse to risks of lawsuits, about, say, “Studio X stole an idea that I had for a film, and didn’t credit or pay me”.

    If you think you’ve got a great idea, for fuck sake, write up a script, get an agent, and shop it around. Don’t post it online.