Dal post originale dell’autore su Reddit /r/NewPipe:

Hi I’ve recently released V1.0 of my app, BendyStraw.

It’s for combining and editing NewPipeData.zip databases.

I use NewPipe on several devices, and sometimes had trouble finding which device I’d saved videos on. I wanted to be able to do stuff like combine all of my ‘music’ playlists from different devices into one playlist.

I set about solving this, started off very simple but ended up fleshing it out into a full app.

Apart from me, I don’t know who needs this, if anyone! I built it for myself but if anybody else finds it useful that’s great.

Some Features

  • Open multiple zips at the same time, so you can combine data from several devices
  • Delete / Copy / Move / Rename your custom playlists
  • Delete / Copy / Move streams from one playlist to another
  • Delete / Copy / Move channel subscriptions between databases
  • Delete / Copy / Move remote (bookmarked) playlists between databases
  • Re-order playlists, sorting the streams by Title, Channel or Length (just tap the column headings in the tables)
  • Streams (audio/video) can be opened directly from BendyStraw, as the URLs are clickable
    • If you set video links (in your Android settings) to open in NewPipe you can make a split-screen view and jump around your playlists
  • Export playlist as raw text, for example to be used with yt-dlp
  • Dark/light themes

After editing simply export a new zip file, then import it back into NewPipe.

More info

For usage instructions, screenshots, FAQ etc check out my dev site


It’s available on F-Droid, just search for ‘bendystraw’ (all one word).

You can also get the APK directly from my Codeberg repo