This has already been mentioned in a few posts with no response. You can’t scroll Lemmy for any length of time without Connect crashing now. No update from the developer and the app is near unusable.
Im ok on Android so far
I am on android as well.
I cleared may cache just the other day following some advice from this community. And it started happening again just a couple of days later. This never happened before the last update so there must be some memory hole that was not there before.
It’s always stopped responding at some point. Sometimes it won’t connect until after a few restarts, sometimes it’ll last all day.
I find that for the scrolling issue if you’re scrolling past a lot of posts quickly there’s a pretty good chance it’ll hit the wall fast. It seems to need time to load in everything or it just gets stuck. It likes it more when you scroll, go into a post, then back out and scroll again. Gives it time to access all the servers maybe?
At least that’s been my experience using it since day one. (On Android)
It’s a memory suck, but it’s not too bad compared to other apps. Scrolling really far back in my history will kill the app for me, but that is about it.
I cleared the app cache about a week ago, and it’s sitting at about 1gb right now. App memory usage has peaked at about 500mb over the last day and I am a heavy user.
I know this info isn’t exactly helpful to you. However, I am really wondering if you have any 3rd party apps trying to play with your app cache or if an ad filter is breaking SSL. (I can’t use SSL filtering on this phone as it will never connect. Connect and/or Lemmy hate the AdGuard certs.)
You know what, I never think to clear the cache. Just checked and it was at 2gb. I wouldn’t be surprised if that plus my phone admittingly not being exactly to of the line is why the apps doing that to me.
Thank you!
Hope it helps. I’ll purge app data and cache regularly for programs like these. It probably helps more when a new version is installed.
Late reply, but I wanted to follow up on this.
I got a new phone and so far none of the issues I was having earlier have come back on my end.So I’m going to chalk up my previous experience to me using a crappy phone.
I don’t see it crashing, it’s just jumping around a lot if it takes a while for a thumbnail to load.
It doesn’t crash on me. It says API timed out and stops loading anything.