I don’t know man, but I feel like I’m supporting a maniac CEO with every second I spend on reddit.

  • Televise@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Yep! It feels like I’m in a place I shouldn’t be in and that I’m betraying the community simply by being there

  • wwaxwork@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I still check out a few specialised subs that haven’t’ made it over here or that I can’t find a Facebook equivalent I like yet. One is for our local town and one is for cancer support. I don’t feel great about it, but as I used to spend hours a day on Reddit it’s a vast improvement. Don’t let perfect stand in the way of good is how I look at it. I may just end up starting the cancer patient support ones on my own over here, but I’m hoping someone that knows what they are doing will beat me to it.

  • 418teapot@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I’ve felt gross for years, ever since they switched from old reddit to the new trash design. I used old.reddit.com for a bit, but stopped once I saw how much tracking garbage ublock was blocking, even on old reddit.

    Before lemmy I was using teddit as a privacy focused frontend for reddit which worked great. But now the API changes will kill teddit so no more reddit for me!

  • rakara@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Yeah, somewhat. It’s addicting, though. And some communities haven’t made the move to here, yet. So, I’ll be going back and forth, for a bit. OTOH, I took the first step to leaving. Premium expired today. I cut the cord! It’s not much but I want to support the community in some way. Also, after everything that has transpired, I can’t support the actions they’ve taken. To me, sending them money is encouragement and support to continue what they’re doing.

    It’s very pleasant and peaceful here. Better vibes.

  • crucifix_peen@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I deleted both my active accounts when the API changes were first announced and have not logged in or made a new account since.

    I do own one former reddit account with the same username as this one but it’s been suspended for a couple months due to a “security issue”. They wanted me to reset my password to a more secure one but I don’t have an email linked to that account so I can’t actually reset it. So I just deleted my entire comment/post history and will never be logging back into that account.

    So for the past couple weeks 100% of my reddit viewing has been while logged out and via old.reddit.com with an adblocker active.

    Mainly I was checking reddit just out of morbid curiousity to see how the blackout was progressing and see if spez/admins were gonna say any more laughably stupid shit.

    I first started lurking on Lemmy around the same time that I deleted my 2 active reddit accounts and as it has become more active I decided to go ahead and make an account here and give it a proper try. So far I’m enjoying myself and I hope this place continues to grow more as more people abandon reddit.

  • gon@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    No LOL. I use Lemmy, I’ll keep using Lemmy. Reddit has some communities that I don’t have access to on here… So I use it too. I wish I didn’t, but I don’t feel dirty. I use adblock anyways so it’s not even like I’m giving Reddit any money directly.

  • zeppo@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    It’s joined the ranks of FB, IG and Twit as a site I don’t feel good about using. To be fair, while reddit has discredited themselves a ton lately, the past 4-5 years of ‘new reddit’ has been awful and they continue to get worse, it’s still not nearly as bad as MetaZuck or Elron.

    • teydam@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      yeah especially a lot of major politics often feels like an astroturf, I haven’t been able to feel like I’m debating or seeing legitimately popular things in years over there. I have to be super skeptical because of the powers that be who have an interest in swaying opinion

  • agitatedpotato@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Yes, but only because my porn reddit account is the last one I have. IMO its counterproductive to delete it since it’s clear reddits monetization strategy is anti NSFW. The more of that site is unadvertisable the better.

  • fluxion@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I don’t, since I only go there for Ukraine news now, and I don’t really expect people on the ground in places like /r/Ukraine reporting on genocides and highlighting local fundraising efforts to be too motivated to make the transition right away, but hopefully they’ll find a presence here too. Not gonna be browsing reddit for random shitposts anymore though.

  • Guy_Fieris_Hair@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I have gone back only to rob my content from a specific sub and post it here. I immediately feel like a scab for giving them 1 traffic. Then I close it.