Intended output: { children: { Display: { children: { … value: 2 } } } }

Real output: { children: {}, Display: {}, … value: 2 }


// Load default settings
let defaultSettings;

load("/assets/json/default-settings.json", 'json', function(defset) {
	defaultSettings = defset;

	// Create custom settings
	if(!Object.keys(localStorage).includes('settings')) {
		setLs('settings', JSON.stringify({}));

	customiseSetting('Display/UI/Distance', 2)

function settingURL(url) {
	return('children/' + url.split('/').join('/children/') + '/value');

function customiseSetting(url, value) {
	url = settingURL(url);

	// Split the string by '/' and use reduce to access the nested properties
	const newSettings = url.split('/').reduce(function(accumulator, val, index, array) {
		// If the object does not have the current component as a property, create an empty object for it
	  	// If the current component is the last one, assign the value
	  	if (index == array.length - 1) {
			accumulator[val] = value;
	  	} else if (!accumulator.hasOwnProperty(val)) {
			accumulator[val] = {}; // update the accumulator object

		log([accumulator, val, index, array])
		// Return the updated object
	}, JSON.parse(ls('settings')));
	setLs('settings', JSON.stringify(newSettings));

I’ve been trying unsuccessfully for several days to fix to what must be a simple error. I’ve looked over it myself, but I can’t find the cause of the bug. I asked Bing, which usually helps, but it was unhelpful. So I’m sorry to be bothering you, but if you could help me solve this problem, I would really appreciate it.

EDIT: I fixed my code by using a recursive function as follows:

function customiseSetting(url, value) {
	url = settingURL(url).split('/');

	let newSettings;

	function recursiveSet(object, list, index, setTo) {
		// If the current component is the last one, assign the value
		if(index == list.length - 1) {
			object[list[index]] = setTo;
		} else {
			// Check if it already contains the value
			if(object.hasOwnProperty(list[index])) {
				object[list[index]] = recursiveSet(object[list[index]], list, index + 1, setTo);
			} else {
				object[list[index]] = recursiveSet({}, list, index + 1, setTo);

	newSettings = recursiveSet(JSON.parse(ls('settings')), url, 0, value);

	setLs('settings', JSON.stringify(newSettings));
    8 months ago

    You can use more debug outputs (log(…)) to narrow it down. Challenge your assumptions! If necessary, check line by line if all the variables still behave as expected. Or use a debugger if available/familiar.

    This takes a few minutes tops and guarantees you to find at which line the actual behaviour diverts from your expectations. Then, you can make a more precise search. But usually the solution is obvious once you have found the precise cause.