Anything goes, give me your wackiest predictions and theories

    8 months ago

    Late 2030’s- mid 2040’s depending on how things pan out over the rest of the decade. There is no avoiding it, but if the neo-libs remain in power they may delay the collapse slightly. Climate change will be the predominant factor in the collapse. A one-two punch of a collapse of insurance and housing markets due to the increase in extreme weather events, and the rise In sea levels tanking coastal economies. Add in food insecurity for some additional civil unrest. Starvation, disease, and violence will be the leading causes of a death-toll that will rise to at least several dozen million in a short period.

    The federal government may remain nominally in power in parts of the former United States, but will be a toothless puppet of the corporations that weather the collapse (even more-so then it is now). Rural areas that lack any sort of resources that corps desire will become lawless violent wastelands, the only order coming from petty warlords, mostly the remnants of far right militias or criminal organizations that fled the inhospitable global south. Many communities will be migratory as extreme weather makes it difficult to put down roots. Famine will be rampant and cannibalism will become common.

    Survivalist and Preppers across the nation will rejoice thinking their day has come, only to find that their choice of location for their compound/bunker was extremely poor. Floods will wash many of them away, and many more will be scorched to the ground by uncontrolled massive wildfires. The rest will be juicy targets for more organized gangs of looters. Many will think themselves smart by heading into the wilderness to survive off the land, only to find several million others had the same idea. They mostly end up shooting each other, and wild game is over-hunted to extinction within 2 years.

    Cities across the US may weather the collapse to varying degrees. It mostly depends on their current wealth and location. Those that persist will transition into semi-autonomous neo-feudal corporate police states. The majority of these will be based around the Great Lakes and in the Rocky Mountains. Denver and Salt Lake City will likely survive, with the Mormons turning post-collapse Utah into their theocratic wet dream. Chicago will be the center of a loose alliance of corpo city states around the Great Lakes, and rust belt cities like Detroit, Cleveland, and Buffalo will finally have their comeback! The southwest will be completely uninhabitable due to drought and extreme heat. The west coast and southeast are too prone to extreme weather for population centers to survive. There will be a great migration as hundreds of millions become climate refugees. The scarcity of food will make it so the inhabitable parts of the former US will likely only take in refugees with connections or useful skills. Many will be enslaved. Others will be turned away to starve or die violently in the wasteland.

    Technology levels will decline as the global supply chains that make modern tech possible collapse. Quality of life as a whole will decline greatly for all even the elites. The elites with more foresight will prepare and relocate, becoming the new feudal lords. Those who do not will find themselves meeting the same fates as the lower classes, their former wealth worthless and lacking the skills to survive. The middle class will be finally obliterated completely, and chattel slavery will make its big comeback! The plus side is there may be some isolated and heavily armed rural communities where life is alright, but none of this will last as the climate collapse continues to worsen triggering feedback loops that will raise global temperatures more then 6 degrees. Too hot for any currently evolved complex life to inhabit the earths service. Humans are extinct by the turn of the next century. GG everybody!

    *Edited this to clarify some language and add new ideas.