President Joe Biden called out Republicans in Congress as “the party of chaos and division” and said they are “worse” than Strom Thurmond, a former South Carolina senator who ran for president as a segregationist in 1948.

“I’ve been a senator since ‘72. I’ve served with real racists. I’ve served with Strom Thurmond. I’ve served with all these guys that have set terrible records on race. But guess what? These guys are worse. These guys do not believe in basic democratic principles,” Biden said at a fundraiser in San Francisco on Wednesday, according to the pool traveling with him. “Time and again Republicans show they are the party of chaos and division.”

Biden’s comments come as Republicans in Congress are holding still a foreign aid package that would send aid to Ukraine and Israel. The $95.3 billion foreign aid bill, which was passed by the Senate last week, still faces a showdown in the House as House Speaker Mike Johnson has told his House Republican Conference members that he is not rushing to respond to the bill.

  • SphereofWreckening
    7 months ago

    Medicare and Medicaid are a bandaid that do fuck all for the current US healthcare environment. I don’t give a single shit about PBS, or NPR. The NTSB would have happened regardless of administration. And I don’t give a single fuck about who was up for election 1964. Johnson pulled the trigger on Vietnam and murdered millions as a result. Not that I expect you to care at all.

    And it doesn’t matter how I vote because I live in a hard red state in a US where the electoral college still exists. So I won’t vote for Joe or Trump since Trump is a racist fuck and Biden is giving funds to genociding zionists in the middle east. Anymore dumb questions?