Welcome to FifthWorld The game utilizes standard six sided dice. (d6) When you need to make a Skill Check You will use six-sided dice(D6) from trained skills and their associated Traits to gain successes. A success is defined as matching or surpassing the Task Difficulty (Standard is 4 in most instances). Whether you are trying to swing a blade at a target, climb a difficult tree, warp Reality with Spellbinding, to many other task checks. Rolling more successes can increase your results. Modifiers and skills and even local conditions can modify the Task Difficulty upwards or downwards and that’s all; no more complex than that.

Fifthworld does not use many mechanics found in many other Tabletop Roleplaying Games. There are no Classes, nor Levels. It will allow each player to tailor their characters with the skills and abilities they want instead of a preassigned template or increasing power jumps at gained levels. You can improve your character with Build points which you assign to increase skills, traits, or gain new abilities.

Character improvement is steady and meaningful without the usual Level Pop-ups. The Narrator will give 1-3 Build points out at the end of each session, depending on character involvement, and/or game events/plot advancement and more as decided by the Narrator. (I like to hand out coins or tokens and when they want to spend them, they turn them back in)

If you’re interested, I do plan of having it available on DriveThrRPG this Fall/Winter. There will also be more game works for non-fantasy settings, such as Science Fiction, Superheroes, Dystopian futuristic (aka Bladerunner, Cyberpunk, etc.), Secret Agents, Eldritch Horror/film noir, and others as interest grows. Wlecome!