socdems shut the fuck up challenge

  • For anyone wondering: Punishments in Islam don’t get applied to non Muslims (except for ones like murder and r*pe etc…), and even though it’s forbidden in Islam for to be trans/crossdresser, there’s no punishment for it in Islamic law, let alone death. obviously don’t run into a Hamas member holding a pride flag (like you wouldn’t run into an american cop like that), but if instances of “Hamas kills gazan black transwoman” existed, you would’ve seen a few stories popularized by occupation and western media about it, but they only say “Hamas will drop you off building” like it’s common knowledge, most I’ve found was this article from i24 //TW some torture about a guy named with the fake name “Abdul” and a Hamas commander who was killed in 2016 for being a spy.

      11 months ago

      Israeli secret services do massive phone tapping operations on Palestinians. The purpose is to find gay, trans, et al people with something to hide. Then they blackmail them to turn them into informants. If they get killed for being discovered as informants, then Israel pushes a spin story to the Western public, about how that person was killed for being gay, to demonize Hamas. In reality, it was Israel that directly led to their death.