This is quite exciting in that it removes plastic waste. I see no reason why different companies can’t make different shape ones to maintain their lock-in. I expect a knock-off market to pop-up, but that exists with plastic pods too. It’s a step in the right direction at least.
Cause a k cup is pretty convenient if you just want a cup and don’t want to clean the pot regularly. The main drawback is the actual leftover k cup, if it was made out of some thing that would decompose it would be a lot better for the environment. Not saying that the Mr. Coffee isn’t cheaper, but I’m not paying for the coffee, so convenience ranks higher on most priority lists.
My ninja coffee maker is traditional drip but you can set it to cup mode and only put enough grounds for a cup. I used to have a super automatic but they are so hard to keep clean because the grounds go everywhere inside. But reusable kerug cups make no sense when you could have a drip machine with cup settings.