I have moved the Fantasy Grounds VTT magazine from Kbin to Lemmy - specifically the ttrpg.network. It seems the Kbin environment I used to house it before has succumbed to bad actors. Please excuse any bad formatting on my part as I get used to the environment.

  • @robolemmy@lemmy.world
    114 days ago

    Excellent logo! I’ve been using Fantasy Grounds for years. It has a quirky UI, but wow is it powerful.

    BTW I clicked the link to go direct to your community on its home server and it says posting is locked for anybody but admins.

  • @FigMcLargeHuge@sh.itjust.works
    113 days ago

    They are having their 20th anniversary sale right now, and it’s a great deal at the sale prices. They are also giving people some free in game dice, and the base Savage Worlds ruleset.