Watching it, my first thought was if it could also be used as s display for a large calculator? Guessing the computation part would require electronics, but then again, there used to be geared tabletop calculators.
They could be made fairly small. The Curta calculator was hand held. Unfortunately, they are very expensive now, but there is a simulator online if you want to play with one.
Watching it, my first thought was if it could also be used as s display for a large calculator? Guessing the computation part would require electronics, but then again, there used to be geared tabletop calculators.
Very nice work.
There were purely mechanical calculators back in the day.
They were absolutely massive.
They could be made fairly small. The Curta calculator was hand held. Unfortunately, they are very expensive now, but there is a simulator online if you want to play with one.
Yes, absolutely. Just needs one motor per digit.