• citrusface
    901 month ago

    The fuck is this Gillead neo-conservative insanity?

    • @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
      221 month ago

      It’s the wet dream so many of these sick fucks have been looking forward to ever since the start of this secular nation.

      • @meep_launcher@lemm.ee
        91 month ago

        Call this a hot take, but I don’t think we are a secular nation. We are de facto a Christian nation. This isn’t a good thing.

        If you look at the laws we have, from no selling alcohol on Sunday (the Lord’s day), to anti-lgbtq legislation, to what our social conservatives draw upon for their arguments, it comes back to Christian fundamentalist politics.

        If you are Muslim or Jewish, you are much more at risk of being the target of hate crimes than a Christian.

        The separation of church and state is something we are still trying to do. Even Jimmy Carter, a deeply Christian man, pointed to Christian fundamentalism being the greatest threat to America.

        “Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and give unto God what is God’s” -Mark 12:17 why do I need to use the Bible to say why we shouldn’t have to use the Bible

        • @Mog_fanatic@lemmy.world
          91 month ago

          Hard disagree. Separation of church and state is right there. RIGHT THERE. in the constitution (I don’t mean literally of course, but you can FEEL it in there). And if you don’t believe me just ask any of the 46 consecutively Christian presidents we’ve had and they’ll tell you the same. The fact that 100% of them are Christian is clearly a coincidence (with #47 baking in the oven). I could easily flip a coin 46 times and have it land heads up every time.

          • @Carrolade@lemmy.world
            101 month ago

            Eh, if you define Christian as believing Jesus was the only son of god and the Messiah, then Thomas Jefferson was not one. He did believe in a god and Jesus’ teachings enough to have his own gospel put together, but did not believe in things like the resurrection. He thought the gospels as-given were full of garbage written by corrupted people.

            Usually people call that deism, when you believe in a god, but think Jesus was just a dude.

            • @protist@mander.xyz
              91 month ago

              Many of the “founding fathers”/early US leaders were deists. They were super skeptical of organized religion in any form, and most dismissed out of hand the superstition and social control associated with religion. The US revolution happened at the height of the Enlightenment.

            • @Mog_fanatic@lemmy.world
              51 month ago

              i often wonder how many of them were just faking for the sake of the voters. I mean 100% a lot of them embellish it, anyone who actually thinks trump is that religious is either dumb or just in complete denial. If you could line all of them up with some truth serum and ask, i’d be really curious what you’d find. I wouldn’t be surprised if we had an atheist president at some point.

          • @meep_launcher@lemm.ee
            1 month ago

            I think there needs to be an understanding on the difference between “de facto” and “de jure”. Just because something isn’t a law doesn’t mean it’s not followed.

            Just because we consider ourselves a secular nation, just because the founding fathers considered us a secular nation, just because freedom of religion is written into the constitution, doesn’t make it so.

            Christian fundamentalists have time and time again proved victorious over the separation of church and state. They have quietly, or more often quite explicitly, made sure their religion exerts power over us in our every day life.

            It’s not like this hasn’t gone unnoticed though. There are plenty of supreme Court cases where they have sided against the Church citing the separation of church and state, but as we have seen recently with the supreme Court, there is no hard backstop to keep them from reversing past decisions to side with a Christian interpretation of the constitution.

            Ultimately, they have made us a de facto Christian nation, and we need to stop it.

            • @Beetlejuice001@lemmy.wtf
              1 month ago

              Previously the majority, now the minority- may want us to be a Christian nation but when it comes to the law and courts, we are not a Christian nation. Go tell a judge that a god or devil made you do something and see them laugh in your face.

              It can be spun however you want to try but this is a secular nation and the people within it have rights from the Christian Talban (who aren’t even pious). We are a nation of laws. Your argument is dead in court. Even at a Burger King the boss would laugh at you. You’re drinking the FlavorAid

              Edit: comment keeps changing so I’m done

              • @meep_launcher@lemm.ee
                1 month ago

                What do you call a tax on alcohol and cigarettes?

                When can you buy alcohol in the state of Utah? Or even the great alcoholic city of Chicago (hint: not before 11am on the Lord’s day)

                What phrase is printed on our money of who we trust?

                Yes, a judge will call you out if you explicitly cite the Bible, so instead just cite a law that is based off of a biblical viewpoint of the world.

                Again, these are not de jure laws. It is de facto. It’s the worst kept secret of our country. Convincing us otherwise is a brilliant play by y’All Qaeda.

                • @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
                  21 month ago

                  That’s why I insist on saying it all the time: we are founded as a secular nation, and we need to start acting like it. Don’t let one of them claim otherwise.

                  The non-xtians are some of the least represented in this country and yet, it’s something like 1/3 of the country. It’s crazy.

                • @Beetlejuice001@lemmy.wtf
                  1 month ago

                  A private business will follow whatever social norms it wants. Just as 24 hour liquor stores are busy at that time because Cash. Is. King.

                  The phrase on money was adopted fairly recently.

                  If you want to finish your alcohol quickly while fishing invite a Mormon. If you want to drink slow, invite two Mormons.



                  When critical thinking is abandoned, America is doomed. Even the Saudis can’t maintain the fighter jets we sell them

                  You are attempting to push the narrative this is a Christian nation. It is not. Our secularism and diversity is what makes us different from the rest. Science deniers don’t understand, create or maintain advanced technology.

                  Yes, many of our population may identify as religious but they are not pious like the Jewish or Muslim population.

                  Even “Christian” is an umbrella tern to inflate their numbers because the number of warring Christian Sects is so large.

                  Yes, YallQaeda, con men and the AM DJ may be pushing this false narrative but so are YOU.

                  Edit: I’m done with this debate, they keep editing their comments. Typical deceitful BS. It’s obvious they live in the rust belt and not modern America.

            • @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
              21 month ago

              Yes, all this is true, and that’s why we need to keep insisting that this country is a secular one. And xtian privilege needs to be stripped away. Something like 1/3 of Americans are non-xtian and yet we still have to put up with xtianity and xtians being put on a pedestal.

        • @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
          31 month ago

          This country was founded a secular nation. All the xtians here keep trying to roll that back. Don’t give them an inch. Keep reminding them that this country was founded as a secular one. Not one American is compelled to give special privileges to them or their little book club.

    • TTH4P
      41 month ago

      Yeah, she wanna be Serena Joy really bad

  • @lobut@lemmy.ca
    1 month ago

    Weren’t Republicans crying about HIPAA (fixed spelling, thanks!) and shit earlier when asked if they got vaccinations? You guys actually care about sensitive patient health data or what’s up?

    • @some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org
      321 month ago

      In conservland, we employ double-think. HIPPA is good. HIPPA is bad. See? It’s easy!

      Watch, I’ll do it again just so you have a good understanding of the technique. The Jews are ruining everything. Isreal can do no wrong. Bam!

      • @bradorsomething
        61 month ago

        Actually this is a great time to talk about HIPAA, but what isn’t a great time to talk about the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act?

        The important thing for Americans to know is this law says they can’t share your information without your express consent, and they have to give you your records in a timely manner when you ask for them.

        So if you go to your doctor’s office and ask for all your records, including test results and scans, they have to provide them.

        If they share your data without your consent (read those documents carefully who gets it), they have to start dancing to avoid jail time.

      • @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        Rules for thee, not for me.

        This is all about controlling the wimminz out there, most especially any of them with any notion of thinking they are going to be promiscuous and not have to deal with the consequences! Some of the biggest proponents of this, ironically, are other women. Because of something something “bible” and something something “babies”.

        As for vaccinations, that so-called “concern” was all about cons being able to do whatever the fuck they want, regardless of how much they are superspreaders, because fuck you is why, they can do whatever the hell they want, because “freedom”… Also, they had deep concern over what was being done to Ronald McDonald’s chances of re-election, as well as “his” economic numbers.

    • @shalafi@lemmy.world
      331 month ago

      Yeah. Hard no. I don’t want Trump and his Brown Shirts knowing what I have. And for the non-gun owning libs, you don’t want them knowing what you don’t have.

      (I honestly get the dig OP. Good one.)

        • @John_McMurray@lemmy.world
          -131 month ago

          You know it’s rude to say “she just needs to get laid” no matter how clever you think you’ve couched the sentiment.

          • @Adalast@lemmy.world
            141 month ago

            I literally did not say that, I was making a historical reference to OP’s use of the word “hysteria”. And it isn’t getting laid, it was manual stimulation done by a medical professional. Seriously?

            Also, people like her deserve neither respect nor decency. Those have always been reciprocal social contracts. She is obviously not instigating her side of the contract, so why am I being expected to hold up mine. We should be rude to her. We should spit on her and she should be a social pariah for even suggesting something like this bill. It is more vulgar and insulting than a tacit insinuation that “she just needs to get laid”, which I didn’t even make. In my book, no penis should go near that hole for a LONG time. Tolerance only means something if we do not tolerate intolerance. Giving quarter to blatant fascism is complicity.

            • @John_McMurray@lemmy.world
              1 month ago

              So you literally just don’t know what you’re talking about. Brilliant. Go read a book that explains how to read between the lines in cases like “Victorian women going to the doctor for a medical orgasm”.

  • @xmunk@sh.itjust.works
    411 month ago

    I absolutely fucking hate pregnancy crisis centers. These fucks and the assholes that fund them are fucking sociopathic. When a woman is pregnant she has an extremely important and difficult decision to make that will effect her life in a fundamental way for at least two decades but probably permanently… trying to manipulate someone making such an important decision because of your bullshit holy book (that doesn’t even care about this) is morally fucking reprehensible. I’ve spoken with people who have been unable to talk about being forced into conversations with these asshats without breaking down in tears - these fuckers inflict deep trauma.

    In a few decades these fucks will be viewed in the same general light as eugenicists and we can’t get there fucking soon enough.

    • @yeahiknow3@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Fun fact, the moral permissibility of abortion has far and away the most consensus among philosophers. Literally philosophers are more confident that abortion should be permissible than that the external world exists.

      As such, you can use opinions on abortion as a litmus test for sociopathic tendency since it’s such an easy moral question. In doing so, however, you’d be confronting the fact that 30% of Americans are moral black holes from whom no rational opinion can be extracted. In that context, slavery, misogyny, religion, and all the evils of humanity suddenly make sense.

    • @grue@lemmy.world
      121 month ago

      I absolutely fucking hate pregnancy crisis centers.

      It’s wild that it’s Planned Parenthoods that get burned down, not the ones that deserve to be.

    • @Jafoo@lemmy.world
      -61 month ago

      “When a woman is pregnant she has an extremely important and difficult decision to make that will effect her life in a fundamental way for at least two decades but probably permanently…”

      Yeah… Taking a coat hanger to her hoo-hah for the sake of avoiding motherhood is likely to leave her barren

      • Taking a coat hanger to her hoo-hah for the sake of avoiding motherhood is likely to leave her barren

        This is the exact kind of bullshit that crisis pregnancy centers use to manipulate vulnerable women.

        • @Jafoo@lemmy.world
          -31 month ago

          “This is the exact kind of bullshit that crisis pregnancy centers use to manipulate vulnerable women”

          Crisis pregnancy centers exist to deter women from aborting. Encouraging chicks to DIY that shit is contrary to their mention

  • @SkyezOpen@lemmy.world
    291 month ago

    which would enable child support payments to begin during pregnancy

    Ahaha, good luck getting support from your own party for that you dumb psycho.

    • Oh don’t worry, anything that applies to a woman will be airtight and anything that would affect a man will have loopholes big enough to drive a truck through.

    • @Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world
      11 month ago

      They don’t care if the deadbeat dads pay an extra penny. All they care about is that it gives something resembling “rationale” to fetal personhood. Once they can establish fetal personhood, the fact that the deadbeats who weren’t paying anything before still aren’t paying anything will be completely irrelevant to them.

      • @SkyezOpen@lemmy.world
        11 month ago

        Smart people know there’s a difference between what Republican politicians say and what they mean. I’m willing to bet there’s plenty of republican men who will see “child support before birth” and go “woah hold the hell on.” We can legislate women all we want, but you don’t touch men.

  • @Snapz@lemmy.world
    281 month ago



  • @Jafoo@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Just what we’ve all been clamoring for… MORE tracking by the federal government, in addition to the rapid increase of state power since 9/11