They say it’s a picture of atoms, but what are the atoms: the glowing yellow balls or the entire meatball including the darker red? If it’s the meatballs, then why do some have apparently two nuclei?
Here’s the public press release:
Here’s the actual scientific article:
Atoms are almost entirely empty space. And electrons themselves don’t really occupy a specific dot in space, they’re more of a blur that fuzzes out in a “large” region of space around the nucleus. So what’s shown here is most likely a visualization of the area that the electrons occupy.
But I’m no physicist and i didn’t read the article, so take this with a big grain of salt
Another person here said the round things are actually the nuclei, and they sound like they know what they’re talking about. So while the informational stuff i said is right, it might not actually be a description of the image we’re looking at