• ameancow@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    people here are all try-hard assholes who are incapable of seeing nuance.

    I’m seeing this as more of a societal/cultural problem. I’m getting up there in years and I have never seen a culture so obtuse and ready to argue constantly and I can directly correlate it with the advent of social media and the ability for people to nurture only like-minded communities and never be challenged or have to compromise or even just think.

    It’s getting worse all the time, and people with insight and means are using this to influence people and create movements that would have been laughable a couple decades ago. Flat Eartherism? MAGA? Qanon? Rising tides of woman-hating young men living in their own little lonely worlds? Fucking nazis? These are the kinds of absurd trends that might have been relegated to tiny communities of social rejects, not given voice or respect by anyone. Now they’re just growing mobs of people lost in their little safe-spaces losing touch with reality more and more every day.