Recently I’m letting a stray car stay inside due to another stray that relentlessly picks fights with this cat. I’ve noticed that this cat absolutely loves being inside and got used to using a litter box in just a couple days, but every once and awhile, it starts meowing loudly and nonstop and running to the front door clawing to get out and seems very panicked. I always let him outside but this last time I decided to pet him a couple time before opening the door and it seemed like that comforted him and he didn’t want outside any more, and he kept rubbing his forhead and cheeks on my hand for 15 minutes afterwards. I was wondering if maybe my cat has a lot of anxiety or even panic attacks or is this not something cats typically exhibit.

    11 months ago

    Cat can get stressed, especially if it feel trapped. Is the cat spayed/neutered? If not, they can just be in heat.