• TheDubz87@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    This was years ago at a job I don’t add to my resume.

    I was the incident. I worked at a plastic bottle factory as a packer, and I had gotten this job through a friend. The 2 of us got along with the manager pretty well. Had common interests and about the same mindset about being employed there. A few positions opened up and he came to us and asked if we’d like to move up to one of them. I chose to move up to forklift operator, he chose machine operator. We both liked the jobs a lot more after that. Of course with a promotion comes a raise right?

    The manager that had us promoted actually found a new job shortly after we had been trained and were starting to handle our jobs independently, he brought us into the office along with his replacement that he was currently training and told us that we were due raises and he had started the ball rolling on that. The new manager said he was informed of everything and would follow up on it to make sure we were taken care of.

    3 months go by, our old manager is long gone, and we were still making the same pay. We approached the new manager about this. “I just need you to bear with me, I’m still working on that”

    Ok fine whatever…3 more months go by and we don’t see a dime. 6 months we’ve been making less than we should be now. Hell people are being hired at a higher rate than we make at this point. We confront him again. “Bear with me” he says again. I beared with him until about noon that day. I parked my forklift. I got in my car and left. All afternoon I’m getting calls and texts from people. My buddy tells me “you have no idea how many people days you just fucked up”.

    I gently reminded him that we were getting taken advantage of. That we’ve been working for a lower wage than new hires after getting a promotion for 6 months. I also spilled these beans to other coworkers texting me about what happened. It didn’t take long…my buddy left mid day, 2 other machine operators left mid day. A string of packers stopped showing up, all but one daytime forklift driver either quit or walked out. They lost 10 people of varying positions in a month.

    I couldn’t help but grin when my buddy told me he was done and one of my coworkers told me how many people quit before they left. I felt like my walkout made a difference that time.

    • Jim@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      Most satisfying comment in the thread. A true “fuck around and find out” story

    • ChiefestOfCalamities@partizle.com
      1 year ago

      It sounds to me like you weren’t the only person the company was screwing with. Once everybody started comparing notes, that company was dead in the water.

      • TheDubz87@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        I’m not sure if they were already being screwed or just thought they were next in line. This was my first real delve into corporate fuckery though.

  • harmlessmushroom@feddit.uk
    1 year ago

    The full office being pulled into a meeting and lectured about how disheartening it was to see everyone leaving the office on time at the end of working hours. What we call good time management they apparently saw an laziness and a lack of commitment.

    That and the message that discussing pay and bonuses wasn’t allowed (despite being protected by the Equalities Act here in the UK). This of course got us wondering why this would be discouraged and turns out our salaries seemed to have very little to do with length of service or performance.

    • jubilationtcornpone@sh.itjust.works
      1 year ago

      Worked at a place where we got a company wide ass chewing from the CEO for leaving right at 5:00 PM. Apparently he interpreted this as everyone was slacking off the last few minutes.

      The results: instead of walking out the door right at 5:00, all the other departments would stand at the exit and wait for the accounting department to walk out of the building first. CEO favored the accounting department so I guess everyone figured they wouldn’t get in trouble if accounting left first.

      I think his little tiff actually resulted in more time being wasted.

    • perviouslyiner@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      It’s always ‘fun’ when a US company tries opening an office in Europe - and even more so when they try to close one!

  • funnyletter@lemmy.one
    1 year ago

    Someone asked a question about work-life balance during an all-hands meeting and the CEO laughed at him.

    A couple weeks later my entire location started eating lunch together and discussing our job searches.

  • Macaroni Love@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    The head of IT where I work quit on the spot during a meeting with the president of the company because the president wouldn’t agree with any security measure IT wanted to put in place because they were too expansive, and also because he was fedup of being micro-managed by someone who’s only achievement was being the child of the founder. That was a couple months after being hit with a ransomware that made us lose rougly 10 years of data. (IT had no budget to implement proper backups and everything)

    Then the whole IT department left the company the same week.

    That was a year ago. They tried hiring new IT staff, they keep leaving because the president still micro-manage them.

    Edit : I still work there, I’m not in IT, and I never have to deal with the shenanigans of the president. Only thing that changed as far as I know is that they changed the structure of our file servers, and we are slightly more restricted than before, but we still all have access to way too much files on there and we still all have admin rights on our laptops, so anyone can install anything.

  • erogenouswarzone@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Many years ago - many jobs ago, we got a new CEO, and she wanted to make a big splash, so she started firing people. And this is a public, non-profit job, so most people were working in less than stellar conditions simply because they were passionate about public service.

    I was two days away from putting in my 2 weeks’ notice because I had landed another job, but they fired me and gave me two months’ severage. So instead of having to work another 2 weeks, I didn’t have to go another day. I said “Sorry it didn’t work out.” and held my smile till I got out the door.

  • loakang@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    A couple executive-types gathered the more senior developers for an “open” discussion about recruitment and retention. They suggest multiple ideas that would destroy morale (like non-compete clauses, poorly designed work-role pipelines, etc), and all of us suggest against them, and provided alternatives instead (like a shift in direction of certain efforts, more autonomy and less micromanaging, etc). They end up accusing us of not supporting our company’s mission and tell us that if we don’t agree then they don’t want us there and we should just quit. I think after that meeting, only 2 people stayed out of about 30, and hiring numbers have significantly declined.

    • MaybeItWorks@sh.itjust.works
      1 year ago

      And I’m sure the owners tell their family and friends about how lazy the workforce is. Probably spend hours talking about how Americans don’t know how to work hard any longer.

  • TheThemFatale@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Big manager decided that our dept had been not using enough holiday days, so kinda forced all of us to take holiday. Then he got really angry with us that work wasn’t being done and he slashed our budget, meaning we couldn’t afford department essentials, meaning we couldn’t do our basic tasks, so big boss yelled at us even more.

  • Wojwo@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    “We {company owners/founders} are excited to announce that {company} is partnering with {venture capital firm} to take {company to the next level}. {company owners/founders} will be moving to the board of directors and a new CEO is coming aboard. It’s a very exciting time for {company}.”

    Received a few of those emails in my time… it’s always bad news and might as well get your resume together right then.

  • plain_and_simply@feddit.uk
    1 year ago

    Not me but a friend worked at a start up that was acquired by a bigger competitor. The new CEO stated in their first company wide meeting that he believes the ideal employee is a ‘unicorn’. One who eats, sleeps and lives in the office working long hours. CEO laughed at people who asked about their benefits which were being reduced to the minimum (this is the UK so we have minimums but the startup originally had unlimited holidays etc). The CEO took over the board with a misogynistic vibe, all women left and then the guys followed.

  • Case@unilem.org
    1 year ago

    I worked for a dollar store in the ghetto, and we got held up repeatedly at gun point.

    Corporate wouldn’t do anything for our safety.

    Store manager lined up a better gig, and all but two employees decided to quit, because he spent his free time up there, not working but guarding us. More people at the front, bigger deterence - plus him being an MMA fighter helped.

    It was timed for black Friday for maximum impact. Finding another minim wage job wasn’t too hard at time, we just had all worked together in the past and liked each other, so we stuck around each other.

  • cat@feddit.it
    1 year ago

    It is not a spicy interesting incident, but when the senior jumps ship it will be followed by some juniors that smell that difficult times and promotions with only increase in responsibilities will come. I am the next senior doing this btw

    • proudblond@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      My final straw was when my boss quit. Not only did I really like her, but she was also the only thing left between me and the top exec who was part of, if not the only, reason most people left.

      • atp2112@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        That sounds like the other side of my dad’s experience. He was a mid-level district manager whose primary job, alongside managing a district of grocery stores under a certain Ohio-based conglomerate, was serving as the barrier between the incompetent good-ol-boys C-suite and the people who actually know what they are doing. The two worst offenders were his immediate boss, the regional VP who we’ll call Jane, and the company VP, who we’ll call James. James was probably the biggest Trump fan, in that he mimicked his behavior: a chauvinist braggart who was quick to anger and honestly had no right to be that high up aside from his relationships. Promotions for him were a way to reward his friends or those who… “accommodated” him, like one store manager who, despite having not passed the evaluation, still got a store director promotion due to his intervention. Jane, meanwhile, was a kiss-ass whose management style started and ended at anger and threats. Both were Dunning-Kruger personified and my dad had to spend most of his time taking their useless and unrealistic demands and translating them into something halfway-workable in the store, while making sure the managers were ready to revert to whatever dumbass preferences they had the instant one of the two came in for a store walk (something they only did when absolutely required around the holidays, because god forbid they actually manage or something).

        He was successful at serving as the barrier, and he commanded immense respect within the district, to the point that when I got my first job working in an adjacent district, the managers (many of whom were hired away from competitors by my dad when the store was still under his purview) still spent a lot of time talking about how much they respected him. That said, he could only take so much, and he knew he had no chance of promotion as long as he stayed there. A while back, he finally got a chance for change, as there was an opening working for the flagship brand of the conglomerate. It was a lateral move, but there was a chance for upward mobility, it was halfway across the country in a place with better weather, and, most importantly, it offered a chance to get the hell away from James and Jane. However, that meant the barrier he erected was gone, and all of a sudden, the micromanagement and bullshit of the c-suite was unleashed on his district. While corporate was happy to get an opponent to their reign of terror brilliance out of their way, the actual rank-and-file, many of whom still remained good friends with my dad, could barely stand it. Every week was a new update on which store manager or department manager ended up quittinf and going to which competitor, all because James and Jane just couldn’t help themselves.

        (As an aside, and just to give an idea of my dad’s management capabilities, when his replacement (a toady who had tried and failed to undermine him and get him fired) himself got fired due to someone needing to get thrown under the bus a pretty bad manager evaluation error, the store managers started calling him for advice, and he basically ended up spending his free time serving as unofficial district manager from halfway across the country as a favor to his old store managers. While appreciated, it did not stop the shitstorm.)

        While the exodus was pretty bad, it looks like it ended up being pretty short-lived. Right before he left, the conglomerate installed a new president hired from outside of the company. James was supposed to be the next in line if looking at the company hierarchy, but was passed over. (Another aside, they needed some fresh ideas badly. Even beyond the c-suite fuckery, the company in general was stubborn and overly set in its ways, even rejecting some ideas about tech and home shopping from the conglomerate that would have dragged them into the 21st century in favor of continuing to do things “their way”). The new president took a few months to get situated, but when she finally got adjusted, heads started rolling. First, James. I still don’t have all of the details, but he was gone a few months after my dad left. Maybe the misconduct caught up to him, maybe he was still livid about not getting the promotion, maybe it had to do with his son (also an unqualified store manager. Go figure) getting arrested for assault.

        As soon as he left, it was only a matter of time for Jane, and about 6 months later, she was gone. According to her Facebook, she left to “go into teaching” (a lot of incredulous laughter was shared at the dinner table when he read that), but we all knew what happened: the exodus was bad in the region, and now that James couldn’t protect her, and after some time to see if she would adjust or remain the same, the president presented her with two options: quietly walk away, or receive a not-so-quiet boot out the door. Either way, the worst of the worst was gone, but the damage was done. A lot of good managers left in the year after my dad left the company, and regaining that level of talent assembled will take a long time, especially as other competitors are eyeing expansion into that district.

        As for my dad, he’s doing great with the conglomerate, has built up a similar rapport with his new managers, and may have a promotion on the way (especially if the FTC decides to not do its job and permits a large merger to go through).

  • JudgeHolden@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I am a union member so this isn’t a thing that happens. If management does something unacceptable, we do a strike authorization vote which, if passed by the membership, starts a clock ticking down to strike time and management knows that they are on notice and need to start negotiations.

    All of which is just to say that unions are good for workers, regardless of what kind of bullshit you may have been led to believe.

  • pastel_de_airfryer@lemmy.eco.br
    1 year ago

    Happened when management started treating the IT department like crap and demanding we work overtime with no extra pay. Almost all the experienced developers left in the spam of a year.

    Before I left, I told them they would never be able to assemble such a good team again. Four years later and they are still struggling to keep the department running, according to a friend that chose to stay. The few developers they are able to hire are either terrible or quit after a while.

    I get the feeling the same will happen in my current job :/

    • ndguardian@lemmy.studio
      1 year ago

      We had something similar, but not only were we being treated like crap, we were basically told to be “yes men” and that we were all perpetually on call. And there were only 3 of us. No vacations, and I even had my VP calling me 2 days after having surgery done asking me to come back to the office, despite not being able to sit due to the nature of the surgery. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back for me.

      So I found a new job and put in my two weeks. Then my coworker got fired less than a week later for explaining that terminating all EC2 instances running our app would in fact cause an outage rather than just doing it. Within a week of that, my boss, the last guy on my team, up and left.

      I’m curious if they ever got someone knowledgeable on how to run the ship on board after that. Last I heard, the entire office I had worked at was shuttered during COVID.

  • 👍Maximum Derek👍@social.fossware.space
    1 year ago

    “Merger” that was really a purchase. New CEO started immediately talking about making our $30mil company a $100mil company within 3 years and we all then knew they were going to work is to death and then sell us as soon as the multiples became unbound from revenue.

    2 years later they’re in their 3rd CEO and there was just another max exodus. Glad I left early.

        • LucasWaffyWaf@lemmy.worldOP
          1 year ago

          Lathes are brutal, uncaring machines. Not only can they kill you, it’s going to be miserable the whole time as your body is torn apart.

        • Kempeth@feddit.de
          1 year ago

          I’ve been in the presence of lathes for a few months during my apprenticeship and I am entirely comfortable leaving it at that.

        • Rentlar@lemmy.ca
          1 year ago

          If you’re unfamiliar, a lathe machine is a spinning rod or clamp, powered by a big motor.

          When functioning, it will spin with such a torque (regardless of fast or slow operation) that most things won’t stop it, including your arms, legs and head against the base if you get caught. You don’t want to mess around with it.