Like damn, now that I’m not depressed my brain has opened up all kinds of blocked pathways

    10 months ago

    I’m actually on propranolol, and have tried buspirone. The propranolol puts a slight damper on my anxiety which is nice. The buspirone just didn’t work. It kinda helped, but I’m talking like a 2% improvement, and just made me feel really weird. I hope I can find meds too, but first I need to find a new doc. All hail US “health” insurance. I don’t really mind all that much cause I was planning to look for a new doc anyway cause she didn’t listen.

    Like when I started the prozac and was listing off all the effects it caused I listed off like 20 bad things (no appetite, no motivation to do literally anything, feeling emotionally dead…), and one bad thing with a teeny tiny not really at all positive twist, as in “Instead of having a couple short panic attacks a day and then it’s over, I’m being held on the edge of a panic attack for hours and the only thing I can feel is complete and utter terror and dread until I finally pass out from exhaustion”. And she replied “Oh, that’s good”. 🤬 No it’s not!!! I’d rather have the panic attack, meltdown, and be done, than sit on couch for hours completely terrified but unable to even cry. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy and I hate my mother.

    • Squanchin' it@lemmy.oneOP
      9 months ago

      Goddamn! I’m sorry. I feel like the antianxiety stuff did work better earlier on, but possibly helpful enough now, hopefully. Stuff is a lot different. The worst part of Prozac for me is probably being sweaty af! I thought I was sweaty before, but the threshold has definitely lowered and how much has probably gone up,but it’s worthy enough of a trade-off for me for being more or less not depressed for basically all but a day or two in the last couple months for like the first time. I wish you to find a peaceful combo for yourself!