Shit, you’re right…
Shit, you’re right…
Declare your acronyms ffs. American articles love flinging them around as if everyone just know what they mean from the get go. And it makes a lot of the articles make no sense to anyone who is not American, or just doesn’t know. Nevermind that a lot of 2, 3, and 4 letter abbreviations have multiple meanings depending on context…
To help out; DOJ = Department of Justice, and PAC = Political Action Committee.
I’m sorry, but that last sentence sent me. 🤣
Oatmeal?! Are you crazy?!
Sweet! What does mine say?
Thanks! I hate it…
How do I delete someone else’s comment?
Wasn’t just me I see…
Brother Maynard! Bring up the Holy Hand Grenade!
Leipziger Hauptbahnhof. 😉
Perhaps a Doro? They have both dumb-phones and simplified smartphones.
Huh, If you visit a second hand shop in Denmark, there’s a good chance you’ll find a set of the originals. Actually I’m pretty sure my father has a set in the back of the cupboard. They were pretty common in the 90’s.
It shouldn’t be river plastic either though. That’s just pushing the problem back a step instead of solving it outright. It’s a step in the right direction, but it shouldn’t end up in the rivers either…
Yes. That is why I said that I support them.
We cannot fix the fact that the patch is there no. But we most certainly can fix continuing supply of garbage to it. That is exactly the argument I put forth in a different reply. “Oh well; we can just fish out the garbage, so we don’t need to fix the underlying issue of single use plastics.” Complaining about the origin of the pollution is very much not missing the point.
I very much doubt the goal of an organisation like “The Ocean Cleanup” is to get to pick up garbage in perpetuity. I would very much hope, that its end goal is to outlive its own usefulness.
No of course not. It’s the people who have an interest in keeping plastic around, who I fear might use an excuse like that.
How in the heck do you mean? I’m happy for the accomplishment. It’s excellent work. I’m just angry that said work is necessary in the first place.
No one specifically, but in a lot of cases it feels like certain interest groups, tout projects like this as the be all and end all of solving the issue. I just fear for a sentiment where people go: “Look at what “The Ocean Cleanup” is doing! We don’t need to abolish single use plastics. Any that end up in the environment is simply picked up!” That is of course a bit of a caricature, but at this point my trust in humanity as a whole, is not very high…
I love how the “drone to the helicopter blades” cheese-move from War Thunder has basically become a real life war-time strategy. It seems to be surprisingly effective.